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Allow users to add other users as CC at countdown
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I think it will be useful, if you want to inform users about a countdown, if you got the possibilty to add them as CC, so that they would get a mail etc. Currently the only way to add users as CC is to add a project, which they are watching. My problem at the moment, is that I'm using countdown for events, and I got no chace to simply inform users about that countdown, so it would be better, if we can add CCs like at maniphest etc.

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My problem at the moment, is that I'm using countdown for events.

Can you expand on this a bit? Why isn't Calendar the better application to use?

In some cases countdowns are more useful, because

  • It is very simple
    • You got only the start date, for exmaple for a product release
    • You got not a lot of data, e.g. invitees, duration, end date, so you just have to set date and description, and you can use it

That's why in some situation countdown is better. This doesn't means, that I don't use calendar, but for some things countdown is better, because it is simple, and fast.

I'm not sure how making Countdown more complex solves anything. It seems your root problem is already solved by Calendar?

Calendar doesn't have the advantage of a countdown, and it is an advantage to create a calendar and a countdown event. I don't think a CC bar makes Countdown really more complex, it would only look a bit more like some other appilcations.

chad triaged this task as Wishlist priority.

Calendar is the expected application to use for this need, not Countdown. We don't have any plans to implement new features into Countdown since they'd directly overlap with features already existing in Calendar. I doubt this is something the upstream will ever build, but I'll leave it open in case someone want to contribute a patch.

chad removed chad as the assignee of this task.Mar 7 2016, 5:29 AM

We probably will build this sooner or later since it's free when Countdown eventually swaps to EditEngine.

(I wouldn't accept a "Subscribers" patch which didn't convert to EditEngine, so this is probably out of reach for contributors.)

That is, it already supports subscribers, the field just never got built in the UI.

That's why I'm requesting that, you can already CC yourself, but not others :-/