I want to request an new feature for Phabricator itself or an plugin for it, but i think its recommended for Phabricator itself, because many users wants to use them.
The Problem:
Phabricator is an tool for code management, coding, ... and also for project management.
Many softwares like that supports features for better planning in project management, like cost calculation and so on.
Phabricator is an little bit leightweight in this solution, but focused on agile software development.
But some user interfaces arent really nice to see, for example an overview of alle features for the project with deadline.
So i want to request an feature called Gantt Diagramm.
Many people now suchs diagramms, it looks like http://www.matchware.com/ge/vorlage/images/Gantt-Diagramm-Vorlage-Sechs-Sigma-Methode.jpg .
Here is an wikipedia article for it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gantt_chart
Also Redmine supports such features.
I would add such an chart, where only tasks with deadline are showed.
Also resolved tasks, but in an other color.
So you have an nice overview of current issues and problems, for example if an issue is overdued.
Also dependencies can be showed there.