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Got `ERR-CONDUIT-CALL: API Method "differential.creatediff" does not define these parameters: 'arcanistProject'.`
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Asked by larryzhao on Feb 19 2017, 8:20 AM.


I am trying arc diff in my git repo which is hosted by my own gitlab installation.

First I have a .arcconfig with only:

  "phabricator.uri" : ""

And arc diff reports: Exception: Required key 'project_id' is missing from '.arcconfig' file '/myproject/.arcconfig'.

I tried to fix it with:

  "phabricator.uri" : "",
  "project_id": 1

But then I got: ERR-CONDUIT-CALL: API Method "differential.creatediff" does not define these parameters: 'arcanistProject'.
I tried to go through all the guides but could not find anything helpful to this.

Anyone could help me. Thanks a lot.


Updated 2,961 Days Ago

Your local version of arc is a couple of years out of date. You need to update it reinstall it. See for instructions.
If you used some other instructions, those are wrong and you should contact wherever wrote them to get them fixed.

Updated 2,961 Days Ago

Thanks @avivey.

I installed it with Homebrew without check the version.

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