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base URI & Allowed URI change issues

Asked by lostinspace on Sep 1 2016, 6:31 AM.


i am attempting to change the base URI via the CLI (the UI says it's locked) using ./bin/config set phabricator.base-uri 'http://phabricator.domainB.local' but this only returns the following statement: Set 'phabricator.base-uri' in local configuration. I don't know what this means, can anyone help please?

Additionally if I try to add an allowed-uri also in the CLI with ./bin/config set phabricator.allowed-uris 'http://phabricator.domainA.local' I get the following statement: Usage Exception: Config key 'phabricator.allowed-uris' is of type 'list<string>'. Specify it in JSON. Again not sure what's required here.



Updated 3,077 Days Ago

  • Set 'phabricator.base-uri' in local configuration. - it means it worked. You can check on it using ./bin/config get phabricator.base-uri.
  • Specify it in JSON: The value needs to be JSON-encoded; In this case as a list of strings: ["http://phabricator.domainA.local"].

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