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How do you import xctool unit test results into phabricator (via the -reporter 'phabricator' option)

Asked by jsturgeon on Dec 3 2015, 10:46 PM.


From the xctool docs:
PhabricatorReporter produces a JSON array which you can plug directly into the
'arc:unit' diff property in Phabricator.

How does this work?


Updated 3,392 Days Ago

That comment is a little out-of date, as the arc:unit property has been moved.

You need to somehow feed the resulting json into either Arcanist, by invoking xctool as a custom unit engine, or into Harbormaster, using harbormaster.sendmessage conduit method.

Google might help you find an implementation of of this integration; I don't see any in the Comunity Resources page.

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