Unable to locate binary "cpplint.py" to run linter ArcanistCpplintLinter. You may need to install the binary, or adjust your linter configuration.
TO INSTALL: Install cpplint.py using `wget https://raw.github.com/google/styleguide/gh-pages/cpplint/cpplint.py`, and place it in your path with the appropriate permissions set.
SKIP ArcanistFlake8LinterTestCase::testLinter
Unable to locate binary "flake8" to run linter ArcanistFlake8Linter. You may need to install the binary, or adjust your linter configuration.
TO INSTALL: Install flake8 using `pip install flake8`.
SKIP ArcanistFlake8LinterTestCase::testVersion
Unable to locate binary "flake8" to run linter ArcanistFlake8Linter. You may need to install the binary, or adjust your linter configuration.
TO INSTALL: Install flake8 using `pip install flake8`.