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diff --git a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
--- a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
+++ b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
@@ -732,6 +732,8 @@
'DiffusionDiffController' => 'applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionDiffController.php',
'DiffusionDiffInlineCommentQuery' => 'applications/diffusion/query/DiffusionDiffInlineCommentQuery.php',
'DiffusionDiffQueryConduitAPIMethod' => 'applications/diffusion/conduit/DiffusionDiffQueryConduitAPIMethod.php',
+ 'DiffusionDocumentController' => 'applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionDocumentController.php',
+ 'DiffusionDocumentRenderingEngine' => 'applications/diffusion/document/DiffusionDocumentRenderingEngine.php',
'DiffusionDoorkeeperCommitFeedStoryPublisher' => 'applications/diffusion/doorkeeper/DiffusionDoorkeeperCommitFeedStoryPublisher.php',
'DiffusionEmptyResultView' => 'applications/diffusion/view/DiffusionEmptyResultView.php',
'DiffusionExistsQueryConduitAPIMethod' => 'applications/diffusion/conduit/DiffusionExistsQueryConduitAPIMethod.php',
@@ -5987,6 +5989,8 @@
'DiffusionDiffController' => 'DiffusionController',
'DiffusionDiffInlineCommentQuery' => 'PhabricatorDiffInlineCommentQuery',
'DiffusionDiffQueryConduitAPIMethod' => 'DiffusionQueryConduitAPIMethod',
+ 'DiffusionDocumentController' => 'DiffusionController',
+ 'DiffusionDocumentRenderingEngine' => 'PhabricatorDocumentRenderingEngine',
'DiffusionDoorkeeperCommitFeedStoryPublisher' => 'DoorkeeperFeedStoryPublisher',
'DiffusionEmptyResultView' => 'DiffusionView',
'DiffusionExistsQueryConduitAPIMethod' => 'DiffusionQueryConduitAPIMethod',
diff --git a/src/applications/diffusion/application/PhabricatorDiffusionApplication.php b/src/applications/diffusion/application/PhabricatorDiffusionApplication.php
--- a/src/applications/diffusion/application/PhabricatorDiffusionApplication.php
+++ b/src/applications/diffusion/application/PhabricatorDiffusionApplication.php
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@
'history/(?P<dblob>.*)' => 'DiffusionHistoryController',
'graph/(?P<dblob>.*)' => 'DiffusionGraphController',
'browse/(?P<dblob>.*)' => 'DiffusionBrowseController',
+ 'document/(?P<dblob>.*)'
+ => 'DiffusionDocumentController',
'lastmodified/(?P<dblob>.*)' => 'DiffusionLastModifiedController',
'diff/' => 'DiffusionDiffController',
'tags/(?P<dblob>.*)' => 'DiffusionTagListController',
diff --git a/src/applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionBrowseController.php b/src/applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionBrowseController.php
--- a/src/applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionBrowseController.php
+++ b/src/applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionBrowseController.php
@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@
if ($is_file) {
return $this->browseFile();
- } else {
- $paths = $results->getPaths();
- $paths = $pager->sliceResults($paths);
- $results->setPaths($paths);
- return $this->browseDirectory($results, $pager);
+ $paths = $results->getPaths();
+ $paths = $pager->sliceResults($paths);
+ $results->setPaths($paths);
+ return $this->browseDirectory($results, $pager);
private function browseSearch() {
@@ -187,26 +187,21 @@
} else {
$corpus = $this->buildGitLFSCorpus($lfs_ref);
- } else if (ArcanistDiffUtils::isHeuristicBinaryFile($data)) {
- $file_uri = $file->getBestURI();
- if ($file->isViewableImage()) {
- $corpus = $this->buildImageCorpus($file_uri);
- } else {
- $corpus = $this->buildBinaryCorpus($file_uri, $data);
- }
} else {
$this->coverage = $drequest->loadCoverage();
$show_editor = true;
- // Build the content of the file.
- $corpus = $this->buildCorpus(
- $data,
- $needs_blame,
- $drequest,
- $path,
- $data);
+ $ref = id(new PhabricatorDocumentRef())
+ ->setFile($file);
+ $engine = id(new DiffusionDocumentRenderingEngine())
+ ->setRequest($request)
+ ->setDiffusionRequest($drequest);
+ $corpus = $engine->newDocumentView($ref);
+ $this->corpusButtons[] = $this->renderFileButton();
@@ -514,164 +509,6 @@
- private function buildCorpus(
- $file_corpus,
- $needs_blame,
- DiffusionRequest $drequest,
- $path,
- $data) {
- $viewer = $this->getViewer();
- $blame_timeout = 15;
- $blame_failed = false;
- $highlight_limit = DifferentialChangesetParser::HIGHLIGHT_BYTE_LIMIT;
- $blame_limit = DifferentialChangesetParser::HIGHLIGHT_BYTE_LIMIT;
- $can_highlight = (strlen($file_corpus) <= $highlight_limit);
- $can_blame = (strlen($file_corpus) <= $blame_limit);
- if ($needs_blame && $can_blame) {
- $blame = $this->loadBlame($path, $drequest->getCommit(), $blame_timeout);
- list($blame_list, $blame_commits) = $blame;
- if ($blame_list === null) {
- $blame_failed = true;
- $blame_list = array();
- }
- } else {
- $blame_list = array();
- $blame_commits = array();
- }
- require_celerity_resource('syntax-highlighting-css');
- if ($can_highlight) {
- $highlighted = PhabricatorSyntaxHighlighter::highlightWithFilename(
- $path,
- $file_corpus);
- } else {
- // Highlight as plain text to escape the content properly.
- $highlighted = PhabricatorSyntaxHighlighter::highlightWithLanguage(
- 'txt',
- $file_corpus);
- }
- $lines = phutil_split_lines($highlighted);
- $rows = $this->buildDisplayRows(
- $lines,
- $blame_list,
- $blame_commits);
- $corpus_table = javelin_tag(
- 'table',
- array(
- 'class' => 'diffusion-source remarkup-code PhabricatorMonospaced',
- 'sigil' => 'phabricator-source',
- 'meta' => array(
- 'uri' => $this->getLineNumberBaseURI(),
- ),
- ),
- $rows);
- $corpus_table = phutil_tag_div('diffusion-source-wrap', $corpus_table);
- if ($this->getRequest()->isAjax()) {
- return $corpus_table;
- }
- $id = celerity_generate_unique_node_id();
- $repo = $drequest->getRepository();
- $symbol_repos = nonempty($repo->getSymbolSources(), array());
- $symbol_repos[] = $repo->getPHID();
- $lang = last(explode('.', $drequest->getPath()));
- $repo_languages = $repo->getSymbolLanguages();
- $repo_languages = nonempty($repo_languages, array());
- $repo_languages = array_fill_keys($repo_languages, true);
- $needs_symbols = true;
- if ($repo_languages && $symbol_repos) {
- $have_symbols = id(new DiffusionSymbolQuery())
- ->existsSymbolsInRepository($repo->getPHID());
- if (!$have_symbols) {
- $needs_symbols = false;
- }
- }
- if ($needs_symbols && $repo_languages) {
- $needs_symbols = isset($repo_languages[$lang]);
- }
- if ($needs_symbols) {
- Javelin::initBehavior(
- 'repository-crossreference',
- array(
- 'container' => $id,
- 'lang' => $lang,
- 'repositories' => $symbol_repos,
- ));
- }
- $corpus = phutil_tag(
- 'div',
- array(
- 'id' => $id,
- ),
- $corpus_table);
- Javelin::initBehavior('load-blame', array('id' => $id));
- $this->corpusButtons[] = $this->renderFileButton();
- $title = basename($this->getDiffusionRequest()->getPath());
- $icon = 'fa-file-code-o';
- $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest();
- $this->buildActionButtons($drequest);
- $header = $this->buildPanelHeaderView($title, $icon);
- $corpus = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView())
- ->setHeader($header)
- ->setBackground(PHUIObjectBoxView::BLUE_PROPERTY)
- ->appendChild($corpus)
- ->addClass('diffusion-mobile-view')
- ->addSigil('diffusion-file-content-view')
- ->setMetadata(
- array(
- 'path' => $this->getDiffusionRequest()->getPath(),
- ))
- ->setCollapsed(true);
- $messages = array();
- if (!$can_highlight) {
- $messages[] = pht(
- 'This file is larger than %s, so syntax highlighting is disabled '.
- 'by default.',
- phutil_format_bytes($highlight_limit));
- }
- if (!$can_blame) {
- $messages[] = pht(
- 'This file is larger than %s, so blame is disabled.',
- phutil_format_bytes($blame_limit));
- }
- if ($blame_failed) {
- $messages[] = pht(
- 'Failed to load blame information for this file in %s second(s).',
- new PhutilNumber($blame_timeout));
- }
- if ($messages) {
- $corpus->setInfoView(
- id(new PHUIInfoView())
- ->setSeverity(PHUIInfoView::SEVERITY_WARNING)
- ->setErrors($messages));
- }
- return $corpus;
- }
private function buildButtonBar(
DiffusionRequest $drequest,
$show_editor) {
@@ -868,389 +705,6 @@
- private function buildDisplayRows(
- array $lines,
- array $blame_list,
- array $blame_commits) {
- $request = $this->getRequest();
- $viewer = $this->getViewer();
- $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest();
- $repository = $drequest->getRepository();
- $revision_map = array();
- $revisions = array();
- if ($blame_commits) {
- $commit_map = mpull($blame_commits, 'getCommitIdentifier', 'getPHID');
- $revision_ids = id(new DifferentialRevision())
- ->loadIDsByCommitPHIDs(array_keys($commit_map));
- if ($revision_ids) {
- $revisions = id(new DifferentialRevisionQuery())
- ->setViewer($viewer)
- ->withIDs($revision_ids)
- ->execute();
- $revisions = mpull($revisions, null, 'getID');
- }
- foreach ($revision_ids as $commit_phid => $revision_id) {
- // If the viewer can't actually see this revision, skip it.
- if (!isset($revisions[$revision_id])) {
- continue;
- }
- $revision_map[$commit_map[$commit_phid]] = $revision_id;
- }
- }
- $phids = array();
- foreach ($blame_commits as $commit) {
- $author_phid = $commit->getAuthorPHID();
- if ($author_phid === null) {
- continue;
- }
- $phids[$author_phid] = $author_phid;
- }
- foreach ($revisions as $revision) {
- $author_phid = $revision->getAuthorPHID();
- if ($author_phid === null) {
- continue;
- }
- $phids[$author_phid] = $author_phid;
- }
- $handles = $viewer->loadHandles($phids);
- $author_phids = array();
- $author_map = array();
- foreach ($blame_commits as $commit) {
- $commit_identifier = $commit->getCommitIdentifier();
- $author_phid = '';
- if (isset($revision_map[$commit_identifier])) {
- $revision_id = $revision_map[$commit_identifier];
- $revision = $revisions[$revision_id];
- $author_phid = $revision->getAuthorPHID();
- } else {
- $author_phid = $commit->getAuthorPHID();
- }
- $author_map[$commit_identifier] = $author_phid;
- $author_phids[$author_phid] = $author_phid;
- }
- $colors = array();
- if ($blame_commits) {
- $epochs = array();
- foreach ($blame_commits as $identifier => $commit) {
- $epochs[$identifier] = $commit->getEpoch();
- }
- $epoch_list = array_filter($epochs);
- $epoch_list = array_unique($epoch_list);
- $epoch_list = array_values($epoch_list);
- $epoch_min = min($epoch_list);
- $epoch_max = max($epoch_list);
- $epoch_range = ($epoch_max - $epoch_min) + 1;
- foreach ($blame_commits as $identifier => $commit) {
- $epoch = $epochs[$identifier];
- if (!$epoch) {
- $color = '#ffffdd'; // Warning color, missing data.
- } else {
- $color_ratio = ($epoch - $epoch_min) / $epoch_range;
- $color_value = 0xE6 * (1.0 - $color_ratio);
- $color = sprintf(
- '#%02x%02x%02x',
- $color_value,
- 0xF6,
- $color_value);
- }
- $colors[$identifier] = $color;
- }
- }
- $display = array();
- $last_identifier = null;
- $last_color = null;
- foreach ($lines as $line_index => $line) {
- $color = '#f6f6f6';
- $duplicate = false;
- if (isset($blame_list[$line_index])) {
- $identifier = $blame_list[$line_index];
- if (isset($colors[$identifier])) {
- $color = $colors[$identifier];
- }
- if ($identifier === $last_identifier) {
- $duplicate = true;
- } else {
- $last_identifier = $identifier;
- }
- }
- $display[$line_index] = array(
- 'data' => $line,
- 'target' => false,
- 'highlighted' => false,
- 'color' => $color,
- 'duplicate' => $duplicate,
- );
- }
- $line_arr = array();
- $line_str = $drequest->getLine();
- $ranges = explode(',', $line_str);
- foreach ($ranges as $range) {
- if (strpos($range, '-') !== false) {
- list($min, $max) = explode('-', $range, 2);
- $line_arr[] = array(
- 'min' => min($min, $max),
- 'max' => max($min, $max),
- );
- } else if (strlen($range)) {
- $line_arr[] = array(
- 'min' => $range,
- 'max' => $range,
- );
- }
- }
- // Mark the first highlighted line as the target line.
- if ($line_arr) {
- $target_line = $line_arr[0]['min'];
- if (isset($display[$target_line - 1])) {
- $display[$target_line - 1]['target'] = true;
- }
- }
- // Mark all other highlighted lines as highlighted.
- foreach ($line_arr as $range) {
- for ($ii = $range['min']; $ii <= $range['max']; $ii++) {
- if (isset($display[$ii - 1])) {
- $display[$ii - 1]['highlighted'] = true;
- }
- }
- }
- $engine = null;
- $inlines = array();
- if ($this->getRequest()->getStr('lint') !== null && $this->lintMessages) {
- $engine = new PhabricatorMarkupEngine();
- $engine->setViewer($viewer);
- foreach ($this->lintMessages as $message) {
- $inline = id(new PhabricatorAuditInlineComment())
- ->setSyntheticAuthor(
- ArcanistLintSeverity::getStringForSeverity($message['severity']).
- ' '.$message['code'].' ('.$message['name'].')')
- ->setLineNumber($message['line'])
- ->setContent($message['description']);
- $inlines[$message['line']][] = $inline;
- $engine->addObject(
- $inline,
- PhabricatorInlineCommentInterface::MARKUP_FIELD_BODY);
- }
- $engine->process();
- require_celerity_resource('differential-changeset-view-css');
- }
- $rows = $this->renderInlines(
- idx($inlines, 0, array()),
- (bool)$this->coverage,
- $engine);
- // NOTE: We're doing this manually because rendering is otherwise
- // dominated by URI generation for very large files.
- $line_base = $this->getLineNumberBaseURI();
- require_celerity_resource('aphront-tooltip-css');
- Javelin::initBehavior('phabricator-oncopy');
- Javelin::initBehavior('phabricator-tooltips');
- Javelin::initBehavior('phabricator-line-linker');
- // Render these once, since they tend to get repeated many times in large
- // blame outputs.
- $commit_links = $this->renderCommitLinks($blame_commits, $handles);
- $revision_links = $this->renderRevisionLinks($revisions, $handles);
- $author_links = $this->renderAuthorLinks($author_map, $handles);
- if ($this->coverage) {
- require_celerity_resource('differential-changeset-view-css');
- Javelin::initBehavior(
- 'diffusion-browse-file',
- array(
- 'labels' => array(
- 'cov-C' => pht('Covered'),
- 'cov-N' => pht('Not Covered'),
- 'cov-U' => pht('Not Executable'),
- ),
- ));
- }
- $skip_text = pht('Skip Past This Commit');
- $skip_icon = id(new PHUIIconView())
- ->setIcon('fa-backward');
- foreach ($display as $line_index => $line) {
- $row = array();
- $line_number = $line_index + 1;
- $line_href = $line_base.'$'.$line_number;
- if (isset($blame_list[$line_index])) {
- $identifier = $blame_list[$line_index];
- } else {
- $identifier = null;
- }
- $revision_link = null;
- $commit_link = null;
- $author_link = null;
- $before_link = null;
- $style = 'background: '.$line['color'].';';
- if ($identifier && !$line['duplicate']) {
- if (isset($commit_links[$identifier])) {
- $commit_link = $commit_links[$identifier];
- $author_link = $author_links[$author_map[$identifier]];
- }
- if (isset($revision_map[$identifier])) {
- $revision_id = $revision_map[$identifier];
- if (isset($revision_links[$revision_id])) {
- $revision_link = $revision_links[$revision_id];
- }
- }
- $skip_href = $line_href.'?before='.$identifier;
- $before_link = javelin_tag(
- 'a',
- array(
- 'href' => $skip_href,
- 'sigil' => 'has-tooltip',
- 'meta' => array(
- 'tip' => $skip_text,
- 'align' => 'E',
- 'size' => 300,
- ),
- ),
- $skip_icon);
- }
- $row[] = phutil_tag(
- 'th',
- array(
- 'class' => 'diffusion-blame-link',
- ),
- $before_link);
- $object_links = array();
- $object_links[] = $author_link;
- $object_links[] = $commit_link;
- if ($revision_link) {
- $object_links[] = phutil_tag('span', array(), '/');
- $object_links[] = $revision_link;
- }
- $row[] = phutil_tag(
- 'th',
- array(
- 'class' => 'diffusion-rev-link',
- ),
- $object_links);
- $line_link = phutil_tag(
- 'a',
- array(
- 'href' => $line_href,
- 'style' => $style,
- ),
- $line_number);
- $row[] = javelin_tag(
- 'th',
- array(
- 'class' => 'diffusion-line-link',
- 'sigil' => 'phabricator-source-line',
- 'style' => $style,
- ),
- $line_link);
- if ($line['target']) {
- Javelin::initBehavior(
- 'diffusion-jump-to',
- array(
- 'target' => 'scroll_target',
- ));
- $anchor_text = phutil_tag(
- 'a',
- array(
- 'id' => 'scroll_target',
- ),
- '');
- } else {
- $anchor_text = null;
- }
- $row[] = phutil_tag(
- 'td',
- array(
- ),
- array(
- $anchor_text,
- // NOTE: See phabricator-oncopy behavior.
- "\xE2\x80\x8B",
- // TODO: [HTML] Not ideal.
- phutil_safe_html(str_replace("\t", ' ', $line['data'])),
- ));
- if ($this->coverage) {
- $cov_index = $line_index;
- if (isset($this->coverage[$cov_index])) {
- $cov_class = $this->coverage[$cov_index];
- } else {
- $cov_class = 'N';
- }
- $row[] = phutil_tag(
- 'td',
- array(
- 'class' => 'cov cov-'.$cov_class,
- ),
- '');
- }
- $rows[] = phutil_tag(
- 'tr',
- array(
- 'class' => ($line['highlighted'] ?
- 'phabricator-source-highlight' :
- null),
- ),
- $row);
- $cur_inlines = $this->renderInlines(
- idx($inlines, $line_number, array()),
- $this->coverage,
- $engine);
- foreach ($cur_inlines as $cur_inline) {
- $rows[] = $cur_inline;
- }
- }
- return $rows;
- }
private function renderInlines(
array $inlines,
@@ -1285,53 +739,6 @@
return $rows;
- private function buildImageCorpus($file_uri) {
- $properties = new PHUIPropertyListView();
- $properties->addImageContent(
- phutil_tag(
- 'img',
- array(
- 'src' => $file_uri,
- )));
- $this->corpusButtons[] = $this->renderFileButton($file_uri);
- $title = basename($this->getDiffusionRequest()->getPath());
- $icon = 'fa-file-image-o';
- $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest();
- $this->buildActionButtons($drequest);
- $header = $this->buildPanelHeaderView($title, $icon);
- return id(new PHUIObjectBoxView())
- ->setHeader($header)
- ->setBackground(PHUIObjectBoxView::BLUE_PROPERTY)
- ->addClass('diffusion-mobile-view')
- ->addPropertyList($properties);
- }
- private function buildBinaryCorpus($file_uri, $data) {
- $size = new PhutilNumber(strlen($data));
- $text = pht('This is a binary file. It is %s byte(s) in length.', $size);
- $text = id(new PHUIBoxView())
- ->addPadding(PHUI::PADDING_LARGE)
- ->appendChild($text);
- $this->corpusButtons[] = $this->renderFileButton($file_uri);
- $title = basename($this->getDiffusionRequest()->getPath());
- $icon = 'fa-file';
- $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest();
- $this->buildActionButtons($drequest);
- $header = $this->buildPanelHeaderView($title, $icon);
- $box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView())
- ->setHeader($header)
- ->setBackground(PHUIObjectBoxView::BLUE_PROPERTY)
- ->addClass('diffusion-mobile-view')
- ->appendChild($text);
- return $box;
- }
private function buildErrorCorpus($message) {
$text = id(new PHUIBoxView())
diff --git a/src/applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionDocumentController.php b/src/applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionDocumentController.php
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionDocumentController.php
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+final class DiffusionDocumentController extends DiffusionController {
+ public function shouldAllowPublic() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function handleRequest(AphrontRequest $request) {
+ $response = $this->loadDiffusionContext();
+ if ($response) {
+ return $response;
+ }
+ $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest();
+ $engine = id(new DiffusionDocumentRenderingEngine())
+ ->setRequest($request)
+ ->setDiffusionRequest($drequest)
+ ->setController($this);
+ $viewer = $this->getViewer();
+ $request = $this->getRequest();
+ $repository = $drequest->getRepository();
+ $file_phid = $request->getStr('filePHID');
+ $file = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery())
+ ->setViewer($viewer)
+ ->withPHIDs(array($file_phid))
+ ->executeOne();
+ if (!$file) {
+ return $engine->newErrorResponse(
+ pht(
+ 'This file ("%s") does not exist or could not be loaded.',
+ $file_phid));
+ }
+ $ref = id(new PhabricatorDocumentRef())
+ ->setFile($file);
+ return $engine->newRenderResponse($ref);
+ }
diff --git a/src/applications/diffusion/document/DiffusionDocumentRenderingEngine.php b/src/applications/diffusion/document/DiffusionDocumentRenderingEngine.php
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/applications/diffusion/document/DiffusionDocumentRenderingEngine.php
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+final class DiffusionDocumentRenderingEngine
+ extends PhabricatorDocumentRenderingEngine {
+ private $diffusionRequest;
+ public function setDiffusionRequest(DiffusionRequest $drequest) {
+ $this->diffusionRequest = $drequest;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function getDiffusionRequest() {
+ return $this->diffusionRequest;
+ }
+ protected function getSelectedDocumentEngineKey() {
+ return $this->getRequest()->getStr('as');
+ }
+ protected function newRefViewURI(
+ PhabricatorDocumentRef $ref,
+ PhabricatorDocumentEngine $engine) {
+ $file = $ref->getFile();
+ $engine_key = $engine->getDocumentEngineKey();
+ $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest();
+ return (string)$drequest->generateURI(
+ array(
+ 'action' => 'browse',
+ 'stable' => true,
+ 'params' => array(
+ 'as' => $engine_key,
+ ),
+ ));
+ }
+ protected function newRefRenderURI(
+ PhabricatorDocumentRef $ref,
+ PhabricatorDocumentEngine $engine) {
+ $engine_key = $engine->getDocumentEngineKey();
+ $file = $ref->getFile();
+ $file_phid = $file->getPHID();
+ $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest();
+ return (string)$drequest->generateURI(
+ array(
+ 'action' => 'document',
+ 'stable' => true,
+ 'params' => array(
+ 'as' => $engine_key,
+ 'filePHID' => $file_phid,
+ ),
+ ));
+ }
+ protected function addApplicationCrumbs(
+ PHUICrumbsView $crumbs,
+ PhabricatorDocumentRef $ref = null) {
+ return;
+ }
diff --git a/src/applications/files/controller/PhabricatorFileDocumentController.php b/src/applications/files/controller/PhabricatorFileDocumentController.php
--- a/src/applications/files/controller/PhabricatorFileDocumentController.php
+++ b/src/applications/files/controller/PhabricatorFileDocumentController.php
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
public function handleRequest(AphrontRequest $request) {
+ $engine = id(new PhabricatorFileDocumentRenderingEngine())
+ ->setRequest($request)
+ ->setController($this);
$viewer = $request->getViewer();
$file_phid = $request->getURIData('phid');
@@ -17,7 +21,7 @@
if (!$file) {
- return $this->newErrorResponse(
+ return $engine->newErrorResponse(
'This file ("%s") does not exist or could not be loaded.',
@@ -26,10 +30,7 @@
$ref = id(new PhabricatorDocumentRef())
- return id(new PhabricatorFileDocumentRenderingEngine())
- ->setRequest($request)
- ->setController($this)
- ->newRenderResponse($ref);
+ return $engine->newRenderResponse($ref);
diff --git a/src/applications/files/document/render/PhabricatorDocumentRenderingEngine.php b/src/applications/files/document/render/PhabricatorDocumentRenderingEngine.php
--- a/src/applications/files/document/render/PhabricatorDocumentRenderingEngine.php
+++ b/src/applications/files/document/render/PhabricatorDocumentRenderingEngine.php
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
private $request;
private $controller;
private $activeEngine;
+ private $ref;
final public function setRequest(AphrontRequest $request) {
$this->request = $request;
@@ -34,13 +35,13 @@
final protected function getActiveEngine() {
- if (!$this->activeEngine) {
- throw new PhutilInvalidStateException('setActiveEngine');
- }
return $this->activeEngine;
+ final protected function getRef() {
+ return $this->ref;
+ }
final public function newDocumentView(PhabricatorDocumentRef $ref) {
$request = $this->getRequest();
$viewer = $request->getViewer();
@@ -173,10 +174,9 @@
$viewer = $request->getViewer();
$engines = PhabricatorDocumentEngine::getEnginesForRef($viewer, $ref);
- $engine_key = $request->getURIData('engineKey');
+ $engine_key = $this->getSelectedDocumentEngineKey();
if (!isset($engines[$engine_key])) {
return $this->newErrorResponse(
- $ref,
'The engine ("%s") is unknown, or unable to render this document.',
@@ -198,16 +198,13 @@
try {
$content = $engine->newDocument($ref);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
- return $this->newErrorResponse($ref, $ex->getMessage());
+ return $this->newErrorResponse($ex->getMessage());
- return $this->newContentResponse($ref, $content);
+ return $this->newContentResponse($content);
- private function newErrorResponse(
- PhabricatorDocumentRef $ref,
- $message) {
+ public function newErrorResponse($message) {
$container = phutil_tag(
@@ -220,13 +217,10 @@
- return $this->newContentResponse($ref, $container);
+ return $this->newContentResponse($container);
- private function newContentResponse(
- PhabricatorDocumentRef $ref,
- $content) {
+ private function newContentResponse($content) {
$request = $this->getRequest();
$viewer = $request->getViewer();
$controller = $this->getController();
@@ -239,10 +233,8 @@
- $crumbs = $this->newCrumbs($ref);
- if ($crumbs) {
- $crumbs->setBorder(true);
- }
+ $crumbs = $this->newCrumbs();
+ $crumbs->setBorder(true);
$content_frame = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView())
@@ -251,34 +243,46 @@
$page_frame = id(new PHUITwoColumnView())
+ $title = array();
+ $ref = $this->getRef();
+ if ($ref) {
+ $title = array(
+ $ref->getName(),
+ pht('Standalone'),
+ );
+ } else {
+ $title = pht('Document');
+ }
return $controller->newPage()
- ->setTitle(
- array(
- $ref->getName(),
- pht('Standalone'),
- ))
+ ->setTitle($title)
- protected function newCrumbs(PhabricatorDocumentRef $ref) {
+ protected function newCrumbs() {
+ $engine = $this->getActiveEngine();
$controller = $this->getController();
$crumbs = $controller->buildApplicationCrumbsForEditEngine();
- $this->addApplicationCrumbs($ref, $crumbs);
+ $ref = $this->getRef();
- $engine = $this->getActiveEngine();
- $label = $engine->getViewAsLabel($ref);
- if ($label) {
- $crumbs->addTextCrumb($label);
+ $this->addApplicationCrumbs($crumbs, $ref);
+ if ($ref) {
+ $label = $engine->getViewAsLabel($ref);
+ if ($label) {
+ $crumbs->addTextCrumb($label);
+ }
return $crumbs;
protected function addApplicationCrumbs(
- PhabricatorDocumentRef $ref,
- PHUICrumbsView $crumbs) {
+ PHUICrumbsView $crumbs,
+ PhabricatorDocumentRef $ref = null) {
diff --git a/src/applications/files/document/render/PhabricatorFileDocumentRenderingEngine.php b/src/applications/files/document/render/PhabricatorFileDocumentRenderingEngine.php
--- a/src/applications/files/document/render/PhabricatorFileDocumentRenderingEngine.php
+++ b/src/applications/files/document/render/PhabricatorFileDocumentRenderingEngine.php
@@ -34,12 +34,14 @@
protected function addApplicationCrumbs(
- PhabricatorDocumentRef $ref,
- PHUICrumbsView $crumbs) {
- $file = $ref->getFile();
- if ($file) {
- $crumbs->addTextCrumb($file->getMonogram(), $file->getInfoURI());
+ PHUICrumbsView $crumbs,
+ PhabricatorDocumentRef $ref = null) {
+ if ($ref) {
+ $file = $ref->getFile();
+ if ($file) {
+ $crumbs->addTextCrumb($file->getMonogram(), $file->getInfoURI());
+ }
diff --git a/src/applications/repository/storage/PhabricatorRepository.php b/src/applications/repository/storage/PhabricatorRepository.php
--- a/src/applications/repository/storage/PhabricatorRepository.php
+++ b/src/applications/repository/storage/PhabricatorRepository.php
@@ -704,6 +704,7 @@
case 'graph':
case 'clone':
case 'browse':
+ case 'document':
case 'change':
case 'lastmodified':
case 'tags':
@@ -782,6 +783,7 @@
case 'history':
case 'graph':
case 'browse':
+ case 'document':
case 'lastmodified':
case 'tags':
case 'branches':

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Mar 9, 12:19 AM (2 w, 2 h ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Encrypted (AES-256-CBC)
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
D19302.id46190.diff (31 KB)

Event Timeline