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diff --git a/scripts/init/init-arcanist.php b/scripts/init/init-arcanist.php
--- a/scripts/init/init-arcanist.php
+++ b/scripts/init/init-arcanist.php
@@ -1,589 +1,3 @@
-final class ArcanistRuntime {
- public function execute(array $argv) {
- $err = $this->checkEnvironment();
- if ($err) {
- return $err;
- }
- $err = $this->includeCoreLibraries();
- if ($err) {
- return $err;
- }
- PhutilTranslator::getInstance()
- ->setLocale(PhutilLocale::loadLocale('en_US'))
- ->setTranslations(PhutilTranslation::getTranslationMapForLocale('en_US'));
- ini_set('memory_limit', -1);
- try {
- return $this->executeCore($argv);
- } catch (PhutilArgumentUsageException $ex) {
- fwrite(
- tsprintf(
- "**%s:** %s\n",
- pht('Usage Exception'),
- $ex->getMessage()));
- return 77;
- }
- }
- private function executeCore(array $argv) {
- $config_args = array(
- array(
- 'name' => 'library',
- 'param' => 'path',
- 'help' => pht('Load a libphutil library.'),
- 'repeat' => true,
- ),
- array(
- 'name' => 'config',
- 'param' => 'key=value',
- 'repeat' => true,
- 'help' => pht('Specify a runtime configuration value.'),
- ),
- );
- $args = id(new PhutilArgumentParser($argv))
- ->parseStandardArguments();
- $is_trace = $args->getArg('trace');
- if ($is_trace) {
- $this->logTrace(pht('ARGV'), csprintf('%Ls', $argv));
- }
- $args->parsePartial($config_args, true);
- $config = $this->loadConfiguration($args);
- $this->loadLibraries($args, $config);
- $toolset = $this->newToolset($argv);
- $args->parsePartial($toolset->getToolsetArguments());
- $workflows = $this->newWorkflows($toolset);
- $phutil_workflows = array();
- foreach ($workflows as $key => $workflow) {
- $phutil_workflows[$key] = $workflow->newPhutilWorkflow();
- }
- $unconsumed_argv = $args->getUnconsumedArgumentVector();
- if (!$unconsumed_argv) {
- // TOOLSETS: This means the user just ran "arc" or some other top-level
- // toolset without any workflow argument. We should give them a summary
- // of the toolset, a list of workflows, and a pointer to "arc help" for
- // more details.
- // A possible exception is "arc --help", which should perhaps pass
- // through and act like "arc help".
- throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException(pht('Choose a workflow!'));
- }
- $result = $this->resolveAliases($workflows, $unconsumed_argv, $config);
- if (is_int($result)) {
- return $result;
- }
- $args->setUnconsumedArgumentVector($result);
- return $args->parseWorkflows($phutil_workflows);
- }
- /**
- * Perform some sanity checks against the possible diversity of PHP builds in
- * the wild, like very old versions and builds that were compiled with flags
- * that exclude core functionality.
- */
- private function checkEnvironment() {
- // NOTE: We don't have phutil_is_windows() yet here.
- $is_windows = (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != '/');
- // We use stream_socket_pair() which is not available on Windows earlier.
- $min_version = ($is_windows ? '5.3.0' : '5.2.3');
- $cur_version = phpversion();
- if (version_compare($cur_version, $min_version, '<')) {
- $message = sprintf(
- 'You are running a version of PHP ("%s"), which is older than the '.
- 'minimum supported version ("%s"). Update PHP to continue.',
- $cur_version,
- $min_version);
- return $this->fatalError($message);
- }
- if ($is_windows) {
- $need_functions = array(
- 'curl_init' => array('builtin-dll', 'php_curl.dll'),
- );
- } else {
- $need_functions = array(
- 'curl_init' => array(
- 'text',
- "You need to install the cURL PHP extension, maybe with ".
- "'apt-get install php5-curl' or 'yum install php53-curl' or ".
- "something similar.",
- ),
- 'json_decode' => array('flag', '--without-json'),
- );
- }
- $problems = array();
- $config = null;
- $show_config = false;
- foreach ($need_functions as $fname => $resolution) {
- if (function_exists($fname)) {
- continue;
- }
- static $info;
- if ($info === null) {
- ob_start();
- phpinfo(INFO_GENERAL);
- $info = ob_get_clean();
- $matches = null;
- if (preg_match('/^Configure Command =>\s*(.*?)$/m', $info, $matches)) {
- $config = $matches[1];
- }
- }
- list($what, $which) = $resolution;
- if ($what == 'flag' && strpos($config, $which) !== false) {
- $show_config = true;
- $problems[] = sprintf(
- 'The build of PHP you are running was compiled with the configure '.
- 'flag "%s", which means it does not support the function "%s()". '.
- 'This function is required for Arcanist to run. Install a standard '.
- 'build of PHP or rebuild it without this flag. You may also be '.
- 'able to build or install the relevant extension separately.',
- $which,
- $fname);
- continue;
- }
- if ($what == 'builtin-dll') {
- $problems[] = sprintf(
- 'The build of PHP you are running does not have the "%s" extension '.
- 'enabled. Edit your php.ini file and uncomment the line which '.
- 'reads "extension=%s".',
- $which,
- $which);
- continue;
- }
- if ($what == 'text') {
- $problems[] = $which;
- continue;
- }
- $problems[] = sprintf(
- 'The build of PHP you are running is missing the required function '.
- '"%s()". Rebuild PHP or install the extension which provides "%s()".',
- $fname,
- $fname);
- }
- if ($problems) {
- if ($show_config) {
- $problems[] = "PHP was built with this configure command:\n\n{$config}";
- }
- $problems = implode("\n\n", $problems);
- return $this->fatalError($problems);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- private function fatalError($message) {
- echo $message;
- echo "\n\n";
- return 1;
- }
- private function includeCoreLibraries() {
- // Adjust 'include_path' to add locations where we'll search for libphutil.
- // We look in these places:
- //
- // - Next to 'arcanist/'.
- // - Anywhere in the normal PHP 'include_path'.
- // - Inside 'arcanist/externals/includes/'.
- //
- // When looking in these places, we expect to find a 'libphutil/' directory.
- // The 'arcanist/' directory.
- $arcanist_dir = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
- // The parent directory of 'arcanist/'.
- $parent_dir = dirname($arcanist_dir);
- // The 'arcanist/externals/includes/' directory.
- $include_dir = implode(
- array(
- $arcanist_dir,
- 'externals',
- 'includes',
- ));
- $php_include_path = ini_get('include_path');
- $php_include_path = implode(
- array(
- $parent_dir,
- $php_include_path,
- $include_dir,
- ));
- ini_set('include_path', $php_include_path);
- // Load libphutil.
- @include_once 'libphutil/scripts/__init_script__.php';
- if (!@constant('__LIBPHUTIL__')) {
- return $this->fatalError(
- 'Unable to load libphutil. Put "libphutil/" next to "arcanist/"; '.
- 'or update your PHP "include_path" to include the parent directory '.
- 'of "libphutil/"; or symlink "libphutil" into '.
- '"arcanist/externals/includes/".');
- }
- // Load Arcanist.
- phutil_load_library($arcanist_dir.'/src/');
- return 0;
- }
- private function loadConfiguration(PhutilArgumentParser $args) {
- $configuration_manager = new ArcanistConfigurationManager();
- $cwd = getcwd();
- $working_copy = ArcanistWorkingCopyIdentity::newFromPath($cwd);
- $configuration_manager->setWorkingCopyIdentity($working_copy);
- $configuration_manager->applyRuntimeArcConfig($args);
- return $configuration_manager;
- }
- private function loadLibraries(
- PhutilArgumentParser $args,
- ArcanistConfigurationManager $config) {
- $is_trace = $args->getArg('trace');
- if ($is_trace) {
- $libraries = array(
- 'phutil',
- 'arcanist',
- );
- foreach ($libraries as $library_name) {
- $this->logTrace(
- pht('LOAD'),
- pht(
- 'Loaded "%s" from "%s".',
- $library_name,
- phutil_get_library_root($library_name)));
- }
- }
- $load = array();
- $working_copy = $config->getWorkingCopyIdentity();
- $cli_libraries = $args->getArg('library');
- if ($cli_libraries) {
- $load[] = array(
- '--library',
- $cli_libraries,
- );
- } else {
- $system_config = $config->readSystemArcConfig();
- $load[] = array(
- $config->getSystemArcConfigLocation(),
- idx($system_config, 'load', array()),
- );
- $global_config = $config->readUserArcConfig();
- $load[] = array(
- $config->getUserConfigurationFileLocation(),
- idx($global_config, 'load', array()),
- );
- $load[] = array(
- '.arcconfig',
- $working_copy->getProjectConfig('load'),
- );
- $load[] = array(
- // TODO: We could explain exactly where this is coming from more
- // clearly.
- './.../arc/config',
- $working_copy->getLocalConfig('load'),
- );
- $load[] = array(
- '--config load=...',
- $config->getRuntimeConfig('load', array()),
- );
- }
- foreach ($load as $spec) {
- list($source, $libraries) = $spec;
- if ($is_trace) {
- $this->logTrace(
- pht('LOAD'),
- pht(
- 'Loading libraries from "%s"...',
- $source));
- }
- if (!$libraries) {
- if ($is_trace) {
- $this->logTrace(pht('NONE'), pht('Nothing to load.'));
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (!is_array($libraries)) {
- throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException(
- pht(
- 'Libraries specified by "%s" are not formatted correctly. '.
- 'Expected a list of paths. Check your configuration.',
- $source));
- }
- foreach ($libraries as $library) {
- $this->loadLibrary($source, $library, $working_copy, $is_trace);
- }
- }
- }
- private function loadLibrary(
- $source,
- $location,
- ArcanistWorkingCopyIdentity $working_copy,
- $is_trace) {
- // Try to resolve the library location. We look in several places, in
- // order:
- //
- // 1. Inside the working copy. This is for phutil libraries within the
- // project. For instance "library/src" will resolve to
- // "./library/src" if it exists.
- // 2. In the same directory as the working copy. This allows you to
- // check out a library alongside a working copy and reference it.
- // If we haven't resolved yet, "library/src" will try to resolve to
- // "../library/src" if it exists.
- // 3. Using normal libphutil resolution rules. Generally, this means
- // that it checks for libraries next to libphutil, then libraries
- // in the PHP include_path.
- //
- // Note that absolute paths will just resolve absolutely through rule (1).
- $resolved = false;
- // Check inside the working copy. This also checks absolute paths, since
- // they'll resolve absolute and just ignore the project root.
- $resolved_location = Filesystem::resolvePath(
- $location,
- $working_copy->getProjectRoot());
- if (Filesystem::pathExists($resolved_location)) {
- $location = $resolved_location;
- $resolved = true;
- }
- // If we didn't find anything, check alongside the working copy.
- if (!$resolved) {
- $resolved_location = Filesystem::resolvePath(
- $location,
- dirname($working_copy->getProjectRoot()));
- if (Filesystem::pathExists($resolved_location)) {
- $location = $resolved_location;
- $resolved = true;
- }
- }
- if ($is_trace) {
- $this->logTrace(
- pht('LOAD'),
- pht('Loading phutil library from "%s"...', $location));
- }
- $error = null;
- try {
- phutil_load_library($location);
- } catch (PhutilBootloaderException $ex) {
- fwrite(
- "%s",
- tsprintf(
- "**<bg:red> %s </bg>** %s\n",
- pht(
- 'Failed to load phutil library at location "%s". This library '.
- 'is specified by "%s". Check that the setting is correct and '.
- 'the library is located in the right place.',
- $location,
- $source)));
- $prompt = pht('Continue without loading library?');
- if (!phutil_console_confirm($prompt)) {
- throw $ex;
- }
- } catch (PhutilLibraryConflictException $ex) {
- if ($ex->getLibrary() != 'arcanist') {
- throw $ex;
- }
- // NOTE: If you are running `arc` against itself, we ignore the library
- // conflict created by loading the local `arc` library (in the current
- // working directory) and continue without loading it.
- // This means we only execute code in the `arcanist/` directory which is
- // associated with the binary you are running, whereas we would normally
- // execute local code.
- // This can make `arc` development slightly confusing if your setup is
- // especially bizarre, but it allows `arc` to be used in automation
- // workflows more easily. For some context, see PHI13.
- $executing_directory = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
- $working_directory = dirname($location);
- fwrite(
- tsprintf(
- "**<bg:yellow> %s </bg>** %s\n",
- pht('VERY META'),
- pht(
- 'You are running one copy of Arcanist (at path "%s") against '.
- 'another copy of Arcanist (at path "%s"). Code in the current '.
- 'working directory will not be loaded or executed.',
- $executing_directory,
- $working_directory)));
- }
- }
- private function newToolset(array $argv) {
- $binary = basename($argv[0]);
- $toolsets = ArcanistToolset::newToolsetMap();
- if (!isset($toolsets[$binary])) {
- throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException(
- pht(
- 'Arcanist toolset "%s" is unknown. The Arcanist binary should '.
- 'be executed so that "argv[0]" identifies a supported toolset. '.
- 'Rename the binary or install the library that provides the '.
- 'desired toolset. Current available toolsets: %s.',
- $binary,
- implode(', ', array_keys($toolsets))));
- }
- return $toolsets[$binary];
- }
- private function newWorkflows(ArcanistToolset $toolset) {
- $workflows = id(new PhutilClassMapQuery())
- ->setAncestorClass('ArcanistWorkflow')
- ->execute();
- foreach ($workflows as $key => $workflow) {
- if (!$workflow->supportsToolset($toolset)) {
- unset($workflows[$key]);
- }
- }
- $map = array();
- foreach ($workflows as $workflow) {
- $key = $workflow->getWorkflowName();
- if (isset($map[$key])) {
- throw new Exception(
- pht(
- 'Two workflows ("%s" and "%s") both have the same name ("%s") '.
- 'and both support the current toolset ("%s", "%s"). Each '.
- 'workflow in a given toolset must have a unique name.',
- get_class($workflow),
- get_class($map[$key]),
- get_class($toolset),
- $toolset->getToolsetKey()));
- }
- $map[$key] = id(clone $workflow)
- ->setToolset($toolset);
- }
- return $map;
- }
- private function resolveAliases(
- array $workflows,
- array $argv,
- ArcanistConfigurationManager $config) {
- $command = head($argv);
- // If this is a match for a recognized workflow, just return the arguments
- // unmodified. You aren't allowed to alias over real workflows.
- if (isset($workflows[$command])) {
- return $argv;
- }
- $aliases = ArcanistAliasWorkflow::getAliases($config);
- list($new_command, $new_args) = ArcanistAliasWorkflow::resolveAliases(
- $command,
- $this,
- array_slice($argv, 1),
- $config);
- // You can't alias something to itself, so if the new command isn't new,
- // we're all done resolving aliases.
- if ($new_command === $command) {
- return $argv;
- }
- $full_alias = idx($aliases, $command, array());
- $full_alias = implode(' ', $full_alias);
- // Run shell command aliases.
- if (ArcanistAliasWorkflow::isShellCommandAlias($new_command)) {
- fwrite(
- tsprintf(
- '**<bg:green> %s </bg>** arc %s -> $ %s',
- pht('ALIAS'),
- $command,
- $shell_cmd));
- $shell_cmd = substr($full_alias, 1);
- return phutil_passthru('%C %Ls', $shell_cmd, $args);
- }
- fwrite(
- tsprintf(
- '**<bg:green> %s </bg>** arc %s -> arc %s',
- pht('ALIAS'),
- $command,
- $new_command));
- $new_argv = array_merge(array($new_command), $new_args);
- return $this->resolveAliases($workflows, $new_argv, $config);
- }
- private function logTrace($label, $message) {
- echo tsprintf(
- "**<bg:magenta> %s </bg>** %s\n",
- $label,
- $message);
- }
+require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).'/support/ArcanistRuntime.php';
diff --git a/scripts/init/init-arcanist.php b/support/ArcanistRuntime.php
copy from scripts/init/init-arcanist.php
copy to support/ArcanistRuntime.php
--- a/scripts/init/init-arcanist.php
+++ b/support/ArcanistRuntime.php
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
- ini_set('memory_limit', -1);
try {
return $this->executeCore($argv);
} catch (PhutilArgumentUsageException $ex) {
@@ -220,7 +218,7 @@
// When looking in these places, we expect to find a 'libphutil/' directory.
// The 'arcanist/' directory.
- $arcanist_dir = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
+ $arcanist_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
// The parent directory of 'arcanist/'.
$parent_dir = dirname($arcanist_dir);
@@ -245,7 +243,8 @@
ini_set('include_path', $php_include_path);
- // Load libphutil.
+ // Load libphutil. Note that this has some side effects, including
+ // adjusting some PHP configuration values.
@include_once 'libphutil/scripts/__init_script__.php';
if (!@constant('__LIBPHUTIL__')) {
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