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diff --git a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
--- a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
+++ b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
@@ -2756,7 +2756,6 @@
'PhrictionDiffController' => 'applications/phriction/controller/PhrictionDiffController.php',
'PhrictionDocument' => 'applications/phriction/storage/PhrictionDocument.php',
'PhrictionDocumentController' => 'applications/phriction/controller/PhrictionDocumentController.php',
- 'PhrictionDocumentEditor' => 'applications/phriction/editor/PhrictionDocumentEditor.php',
'PhrictionDocumentPHIDType' => 'applications/phriction/phid/PhrictionDocumentPHIDType.php',
'PhrictionDocumentPreviewController' => 'applications/phriction/controller/PhrictionDocumentPreviewController.php',
'PhrictionDocumentQuery' => 'applications/phriction/query/PhrictionDocumentQuery.php',
@@ -5938,7 +5937,6 @@
'PhrictionDocumentController' => 'PhrictionController',
- 'PhrictionDocumentEditor' => 'PhabricatorEditor',
'PhrictionDocumentPHIDType' => 'PhabricatorPHIDType',
'PhrictionDocumentPreviewController' => 'PhrictionController',
'PhrictionDocumentQuery' => 'PhabricatorCursorPagedPolicyAwareQuery',
diff --git a/src/applications/phriction/conduit/PhrictionEditConduitAPIMethod.php b/src/applications/phriction/conduit/PhrictionEditConduitAPIMethod.php
--- a/src/applications/phriction/conduit/PhrictionEditConduitAPIMethod.php
+++ b/src/applications/phriction/conduit/PhrictionEditConduitAPIMethod.php
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
$doc = id(new PhrictionDocumentQuery())
+ ->needContent(true)
@@ -44,14 +45,22 @@
throw new Exception(pht('No such document.'));
- $editor = id(PhrictionDocumentEditor::newForSlug($slug))
+ $xactions = array();
+ $xactions[] = id(new PhrictionTransaction())
+ ->setTransactionType(PhrictionTransaction::TYPE_TITLE)
+ ->setNewValue($request->getValue('title'));
+ $xactions[] = id(new PhrictionTransaction())
+ ->setTransactionType(PhrictionTransaction::TYPE_CONTENT)
+ ->setNewValue($request->getValue('content'));
+ $editor = id(new PhrictionTransactionEditor())
- ->setTitle($request->getValue('title'))
- ->setContent($request->getValue('content'))
- ->setDescription($request->getvalue('description'))
- ->save();
+ ->setContentSourceFromConduitRequest($request)
+ ->setContinueOnNoEffect(true)
+ ->setDescription($request->getValue('description'))
+ ->applyTransactions($doc, $xactions);
- return $this->buildDocumentInfoDictionary($editor->getDocument());
+ return $this->buildDocumentInfoDictionary($doc);
diff --git a/src/applications/phriction/editor/PhrictionDocumentEditor.php b/src/applications/phriction/editor/PhrictionDocumentEditor.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/src/applications/phriction/editor/PhrictionDocumentEditor.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
- * Create or update Phriction documents.
- */
-final class PhrictionDocumentEditor extends PhabricatorEditor {
- private $document;
- private $content;
- private $newTitle;
- private $newContent;
- private $description;
- // For the Feed Story when moving documents
- private $fromDocumentPHID;
- private function __construct() {
- // <restricted>
- }
- public static function newForSlug($slug) {
- $slug = PhabricatorSlug::normalize($slug);
- // TODO: Get rid of this.
- $document = id(new PhrictionDocument())->loadOneWhere(
- 'slug = %s',
- $slug);
- $content = null;
- if ($document) {
- $content = id(new PhrictionContent())->load($document->getContentID());
- } else {
- $document = new PhrictionDocument();
- $document->setSlug($slug);
- }
- if (!$content) {
- $default_title = PhabricatorSlug::getDefaultTitle($slug);
- $content = new PhrictionContent();
- $content->setSlug($slug);
- $content->setTitle($default_title);
- $content->setContent('');
- }
- $obj = new PhrictionDocumentEditor();
- $obj->document = $document;
- $obj->content = $content;
- return $obj;
- }
- public function setTitle($title) {
- $this->newTitle = $title;
- return $this;
- }
- public function setContent($content) {
- $this->newContent = $content;
- return $this;
- }
- public function setDescription($description) {
- $this->description = $description;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getDocument() {
- return $this->document;
- }
- public function moveAway($new_doc_id) {
- return $this->execute(
- PhrictionChangeType::CHANGE_MOVE_AWAY, true, $new_doc_id);
- }
- public function moveHere($old_doc_id, $old_doc_phid) {
- $this->fromDocumentPHID = $old_doc_phid;
- return $this->execute(
- PhrictionChangeType::CHANGE_MOVE_HERE, false, $old_doc_id);
- }
- private function execute(
- $change_type, $del_new_content = true, $doc_ref = null) {
- $actor = $this->requireActor();
- $document = $this->document;
- $content = $this->content;
- $new_content = $this->buildContentTemplate($document, $content);
- $new_content->setChangeType($change_type);
- if ($del_new_content) {
- $new_content->setContent('');
- }
- if ($doc_ref) {
- $new_content->setChangeRef($doc_ref);
- }
- return $this->updateDocument($document, $content, $new_content);
- }
- public function delete() {
- return $this->execute(PhrictionChangeType::CHANGE_DELETE, true);
- }
- public function stub() {
- return $this->execute(PhrictionChangeType::CHANGE_STUB, true);
- }
- public function save() {
- $actor = $this->requireActor();
- if ($this->newContent === '') {
- // If this is an edit which deletes all the content, just treat it as
- // a delete. NOTE: null means "don't change the content", not "delete
- // the page"! Thus the strict type check.
- return $this->delete();
- }
- $document = $this->document;
- $content = $this->content;
- $new_content = $this->buildContentTemplate($document, $content);
- return $this->updateDocument($document, $content, $new_content);
- }
- private function buildContentTemplate(
- PhrictionDocument $document,
- PhrictionContent $content) {
- $new_content = new PhrictionContent();
- $new_content->setSlug($document->getSlug());
- $new_content->setAuthorPHID($this->getActor()->getPHID());
- $new_content->setChangeType(PhrictionChangeType::CHANGE_EDIT);
- $new_content->setTitle(
- coalesce(
- $this->newTitle,
- $content->getTitle()));
- $new_content->setContent(
- coalesce(
- $this->newContent,
- $content->getContent()));
- if (strlen($this->description)) {
- $new_content->setDescription($this->description);
- }
- return $new_content;
- }
- private function updateDocument($document, $content, $new_content) {
- $is_new = false;
- if (!$document->getID()) {
- $is_new = true;
- }
- $new_content->setVersion($content->getVersion() + 1);
- $change_type = $new_content->getChangeType();
- switch ($change_type) {
- case PhrictionChangeType::CHANGE_EDIT:
- $doc_status = PhrictionDocumentStatus::STATUS_EXISTS;
- $feed_action = $is_new
- ? PhrictionActionConstants::ACTION_CREATE
- : PhrictionActionConstants::ACTION_EDIT;
- break;
- case PhrictionChangeType::CHANGE_DELETE:
- $doc_status = PhrictionDocumentStatus::STATUS_DELETED;
- $feed_action = PhrictionActionConstants::ACTION_DELETE;
- if ($is_new) {
- throw new Exception(
- "You can not delete a document which doesn't exist yet!");
- }
- break;
- case PhrictionChangeType::CHANGE_STUB:
- $doc_status = PhrictionDocumentStatus::STATUS_STUB;
- $feed_action = null;
- break;
- case PhrictionChangeType::CHANGE_MOVE_AWAY:
- $doc_status = PhrictionDocumentStatus::STATUS_MOVED;
- $feed_action = null;
- break;
- case PhrictionChangeType::CHANGE_MOVE_HERE:
- $doc_status = PhrictionDocumentStatus::STATUS_EXISTS;
- $feed_action = PhrictionActionConstants::ACTION_MOVE_HERE;
- break;
- default:
- throw new Exception(
- "Unsupported content change type '{$change_type}'!");
- }
- $document->setStatus($doc_status);
- // TODO: This should be transactional.
- if ($is_new) {
- $document->save();
- }
- $new_content->setDocumentID($document->getID());
- $new_content->save();
- $document->setContentID($new_content->getID());
- $document->save();
- $document->attachContent($new_content);
- id(new PhabricatorSearchIndexer())
- ->queueDocumentForIndexing($document->getPHID());
- // Stub out empty parent documents if they don't exist
- $ancestral_slugs = PhabricatorSlug::getAncestry($document->getSlug());
- if ($ancestral_slugs) {
- $ancestors = id(new PhrictionDocument())->loadAllWhere(
- 'slug IN (%Ls)',
- $ancestral_slugs);
- $ancestors = mpull($ancestors, null, 'getSlug');
- foreach ($ancestral_slugs as $slug) {
- // We check for change type to prevent near-infinite recursion
- if (!isset($ancestors[$slug]) &&
- $new_content->getChangeType() != PhrictionChangeType::CHANGE_STUB) {
- id(PhrictionDocumentEditor::newForSlug($slug))
- ->setActor($this->getActor())
- ->setTitle(PhabricatorSlug::getDefaultTitle($slug))
- ->setContent('')
- ->setDescription(pht('Empty Parent Document'))
- ->stub();
- }
- }
- }
- $project_phid = null;
- $slug = $document->getSlug();
- if (PhrictionDocument::isProjectSlug($slug)) {
- $project = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery())
- ->setViewer($this->requireActor())
- ->withPhrictionSlugs(array(
- PhrictionDocument::getProjectSlugIdentifier($slug),
- ))
- ->executeOne();
- if ($project) {
- $project_phid = $project->getPHID();
- }
- }
- $related_phids = array(
- $document->getPHID(),
- $this->getActor()->getPHID(),
- );
- if ($project_phid) {
- $related_phids[] = $project_phid;
- }
- if ($this->fromDocumentPHID) {
- $related_phids[] = $this->fromDocumentPHID;
- }
- if ($feed_action) {
- $content_str = id(new PhutilUTF8StringTruncator())
- ->setMaximumGlyphs(140)
- ->truncateString($new_content->getContent());
- id(new PhabricatorFeedStoryPublisher())
- ->setRelatedPHIDs($related_phids)
- ->setStoryAuthorPHID($this->getActor()->getPHID())
- ->setStoryTime(time())
- ->setStoryType(PhabricatorFeedStoryTypeConstants::STORY_PHRICTION)
- ->setStoryData(
- array(
- 'phid' => $document->getPHID(),
- 'action' => $feed_action,
- 'content' => $content_str,
- 'project' => $project_phid,
- 'movedFromPHID' => $this->fromDocumentPHID,
- ))
- ->publish();
- }
- // TODO: Migrate to ApplicationTransactions fast, so we get rid of this code
- $subscribers = PhabricatorSubscribersQuery::loadSubscribersForPHID(
- $document->getPHID());
- $this->sendMailToSubscribers($subscribers, $content);
- return $this;
- }
- private function getChangeTypeDescription($const, $title) {
- $map = array(
- PhrictionChangeType::CHANGE_EDIT =>
- pht('Phriction Document %s was edited.', $title),
- PhrictionChangeType::CHANGE_DELETE =>
- pht('Phriction Document %s was deleted.', $title),
- PhrictionChangeType::CHANGE_MOVE_HERE =>
- pht('Phriction Document %s was moved here.', $title),
- PhrictionChangeType::CHANGE_MOVE_AWAY =>
- pht('Phriction Document %s was moved away.', $title),
- PhrictionChangeType::CHANGE_STUB =>
- pht('Phriction Document %s was created through child.', $title),
- );
- return idx($map, $const, pht('Something magical occurred.'));
- }
- private function sendMailToSubscribers(array $subscribers, $old_content) {
- if (!$subscribers) {
- return;
- }
- $author_phid = $this->getActor()->getPHID();
- $document = $this->document;
- $content = $document->getContent();
- $slug_uri = PhrictionDocument::getSlugURI($document->getSlug());
- $diff_uri = new PhutilURI('/phriction/diff/'.$document->getID().'/');
- $prod_uri = PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI('');
- $vs_head = $diff_uri
- ->alter('l', $old_content->getVersion())
- ->alter('r', $content->getVersion());
- $old_title = $old_content->getTitle();
- $title = $content->getTitle();
- $name = $this->getChangeTypeDescription($content->getChangeType(), $title);
- $action = PhrictionChangeType::getChangeTypeLabel(
- $content->getChangeType());
- $body = array($name);
- // Content may have changed, you never know
- if ($content->getChangeType() == PhrictionChangeType::CHANGE_EDIT) {
- if ($old_title != $title) {
- $body[] = pht('Title was changed from "%s" to "%s"',
- $old_title, $title);
- }
- $body[] = pht("Link to new version:\n%s",
- $prod_uri.$slug_uri.'?v='.$content->getVersion());
- $body[] = pht("Link to diff:\n%s", $prod_uri.$vs_head);
- } else if ($content->getChangeType() ==
- PhrictionChangeType::CHANGE_MOVE_AWAY) {
- $target_document = id(new PhrictionDocument())
- ->load($content->getChangeRef());
- $slug_uri = PhrictionDocument::getSlugURI($target_document->getSlug());
- $body[] = pht("Link to destination document:\n%s", $prod_uri.$slug_uri);
- }
- $body = implode("\n\n", $body);
- $subject_prefix = $this->getMailSubjectPrefix();
- $mail = new PhabricatorMetaMTAMail();
- $mail->setSubject($name)
- ->setSubjectPrefix($subject_prefix)
- ->setVarySubjectPrefix('['.$action.']')
- ->addHeader('Thread-Topic', $name)
- ->setFrom($author_phid)
- ->addTos($subscribers)
- ->setBody($body)
- ->setRelatedPHID($document->getPHID())
- ->setIsBulk(true);
- $mail->saveAndSend();
- }
- /* --( For less copy-pasting when switching to ApplicationTransactions )--- */
- protected function getMailSubjectPrefix() {
- return PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('metamta.phriction.subject-prefix');
- }
diff --git a/src/applications/phriction/editor/PhrictionTransactionEditor.php b/src/applications/phriction/editor/PhrictionTransactionEditor.php
--- a/src/applications/phriction/editor/PhrictionTransactionEditor.php
+++ b/src/applications/phriction/editor/PhrictionTransactionEditor.php
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
private $oldContent;
private $newContent;
private $moveAwayDocument;
+ private $skipAncestorCheck;
public function setDescription($description) {
$this->description = $description;
@@ -35,6 +36,15 @@
return $this->newContent;
+ public function setSkipAncestorCheck($bool) {
+ $this->skipAncestorCheck = $bool;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function getSkipAncestorCheck() {
+ return $this->skipAncestorCheck;
+ }
public function getEditorApplicationClass() {
return 'PhabricatorPhrictionApplication';
@@ -216,26 +226,40 @@
- if ($this->getIsNewObject()) {
+ if ($this->getIsNewObject() && !$this->getSkipAncestorCheck()) {
// Stub out empty parent documents if they don't exist
$ancestral_slugs = PhabricatorSlug::getAncestry($object->getSlug());
if ($ancestral_slugs) {
- $ancestors = id(new PhrictionDocument())->loadAllWhere(
- 'slug IN (%Ls)',
- $ancestral_slugs);
+ $ancestors = id(new PhrictionDocumentQuery())
+ ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser())
+ ->withSlugs($ancestral_slugs)
+ ->needContent(true)
+ ->execute();
$ancestors = mpull($ancestors, null, 'getSlug');
+ $stub_type = PhrictionChangeType::CHANGE_STUB;
foreach ($ancestral_slugs as $slug) {
+ $ancestor_doc = idx($ancestors, $slug);
// We check for change type to prevent near-infinite recursion
- if (!isset($ancestors[$slug]) &&
- $content->getChangeType() !=
- PhrictionChangeType::CHANGE_STUB) {
- id(PhrictionDocumentEditor::newForSlug($slug))
- ->setActor($this->getActor())
- ->setTitle(PhabricatorSlug::getDefaultTitle($slug))
- ->setContent('')
- ->setDescription(pht('Empty Parent Document'))
- ->stub();
- }
+ if (!$ancestor_doc && $content->getChangeType() != $stub_type) {
+ $ancestor_doc = PhrictionDocument::initializeNewDocument(
+ $this->getActor(),
+ $slug);
+ $stub_xactions = array();
+ $stub_xactions[] = id(new PhrictionTransaction())
+ ->setTransactionType(PhrictionTransaction::TYPE_TITLE)
+ ->setNewValue(PhabricatorSlug::getDefaultTitle($slug))
+ ->setMetadataValue('stub:create:phid', $object->getPHID());
+ $stub_xactions[] = id(new PhrictionTransaction())
+ ->setTransactionType(PhrictionTransaction::TYPE_CONTENT)
+ ->setNewValue('');
+ $sub_editor = id(new PhrictionTransactionEditor())
+ ->setActor($this->getActor())
+ ->setContentSource($this->getContentSource())
+ ->setContinueOnNoEffect($this->getContinueOnNoEffect())
+ ->setSkipAncestorCheck(true)
+ ->setDescription(pht('Empty Parent Document'))
+ ->applyTransactions($ancestor_doc, $stub_xactions);
+ }
diff --git a/src/applications/phriction/storage/PhrictionTransaction.php b/src/applications/phriction/storage/PhrictionTransaction.php
--- a/src/applications/phriction/storage/PhrictionTransaction.php
+++ b/src/applications/phriction/storage/PhrictionTransaction.php
@@ -33,6 +33,11 @@
case self::TYPE_MOVE_AWAY:
$phids[] = $new['phid'];
+ case self::TYPE_TITLE:
+ if ($this->getMetadataValue('stub:create:phid')) {
+ $phids[] = $this->getMetadataValue('stub:create:phid');
+ }
+ break;
@@ -70,6 +75,8 @@
case self::TYPE_MOVE_TO:
case self::TYPE_MOVE_AWAY:
return true;
+ case self::TYPE_TITLE:
+ return $this->getMetadataValue('stub:create:phid', false);
return parent::shouldHideForMail($xactions);
@@ -79,6 +86,8 @@
case self::TYPE_MOVE_TO:
case self::TYPE_MOVE_AWAY:
return true;
+ case self::TYPE_TITLE:
+ return $this->getMetadataValue('stub:create:phid', false);
return parent::shouldHideForFeed();
@@ -106,7 +115,11 @@
switch ($this->getTransactionType()) {
case self::TYPE_TITLE:
if ($old === null) {
- return pht('Created');
+ if ($this->getMetadataValue('stub:create:phid')) {
+ return pht('Stubbed');
+ } else {
+ return pht('Created');
+ }
return pht('Retitled');
@@ -156,9 +169,17 @@
switch ($this->getTransactionType()) {
case self::TYPE_TITLE:
if ($old === null) {
- return pht(
- '%s created this document.',
- $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid));
+ if ($this->getMetadataValue('stub:create:phid')) {
+ return pht(
+ '%s stubbed out this document when creating %s.',
+ $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid),
+ $this->renderHandleLink(
+ $this->getMetadataValue('stub:create:phid')));
+ } else {
+ return pht(
+ '%s created this document.',
+ $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid));
+ }
return pht(
'%s changed the title from "%s" to "%s".',
diff --git a/src/applications/project/editor/PhabricatorProjectTransactionEditor.php b/src/applications/project/editor/PhabricatorProjectTransactionEditor.php
--- a/src/applications/project/editor/PhabricatorProjectTransactionEditor.php
+++ b/src/applications/project/editor/PhabricatorProjectTransactionEditor.php
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
switch ($xaction->getTransactionType()) {
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_NAME:
// First, remove the old and new slugs. Removing the old slug is
- // important when changing the project's capitalization or puctuation.
+ // important when changing the project's capitalization or punctuation.
// Removing the new slug is important when changing the project's name
// so that one of its secondary slugs is now the primary slug.
if ($old !== null) {
@@ -140,40 +140,6 @@
- // TODO -- delete all of the below once we sever automagical project
- // to phriction stuff
- if ($xaction->getOldValue() === null) {
- // Project was just created, we don't need to move anything.
- return;
- }
- $clone_object = clone $object;
- $clone_object->setPhrictionSlug($xaction->getOldValue());
- $old_slug = $clone_object->getFullPhrictionSlug();
- $old_document = id(new PhrictionDocument())
- ->loadOneWhere('slug = %s', $old_slug);
- if ($old_document && $old_document->getStatus() ==
- PhrictionDocumentStatus::STATUS_EXISTS) {
- $content = id(new PhrictionContent())
- ->load($old_document->getContentID());
- $from_editor = id(PhrictionDocumentEditor::newForSlug($old_slug))
- ->setActor($this->getActor())
- ->setTitle($content->getTitle())
- ->setContent($content->getContent())
- ->setDescription($content->getDescription());
- $target_editor = id(PhrictionDocumentEditor::newForSlug(
- $object->getFullPhrictionSlug()))
- ->setActor($this->getActor())
- ->setTitle($content->getTitle())
- ->setContent($content->getContent())
- ->setDescription($content->getDescription())
- ->moveHere($old_document->getID(), $old_document->getPHID());
- $target_document = $target_editor->getDocument();
- $from_editor->moveAway($target_document->getID());
- }
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_SLUGS:
$old = $xaction->getOldValue();
File Metadata
Mime Type
Fri, Dec 20, 4:21 PM (7 h, 12 s)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Encrypted (AES-256-CBC)
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
D10792.id25897.diff (22 KB)
Attached To
D10792: Phriction - kill the old PhrictionDocumentEditor
Detach File
Event Timeline
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