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diff --git a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
--- a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
+++ b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
@@ -3994,6 +3994,7 @@
'PhabricatorViewerDatasource' => 'applications/people/typeahead/PhabricatorViewerDatasource.php',
'PhabricatorWatcherHasObjectEdgeType' => 'applications/transactions/edges/PhabricatorWatcherHasObjectEdgeType.php',
'PhabricatorWebContentSource' => 'infrastructure/contentsource/PhabricatorWebContentSource.php',
+ 'PhabricatorWebServerSetupCheck' => 'applications/config/check/PhabricatorWebServerSetupCheck.php',
'PhabricatorWeekStartDaySetting' => 'applications/settings/setting/PhabricatorWeekStartDaySetting.php',
'PhabricatorWordPressAuthProvider' => 'applications/auth/provider/PhabricatorWordPressAuthProvider.php',
'PhabricatorWorker' => 'infrastructure/daemon/workers/PhabricatorWorker.php',
@@ -9216,6 +9217,7 @@
'PhabricatorViewerDatasource' => 'PhabricatorTypeaheadDatasource',
'PhabricatorWatcherHasObjectEdgeType' => 'PhabricatorEdgeType',
'PhabricatorWebContentSource' => 'PhabricatorContentSource',
+ 'PhabricatorWebServerSetupCheck' => 'PhabricatorSetupCheck',
'PhabricatorWeekStartDaySetting' => 'PhabricatorSelectSetting',
'PhabricatorWordPressAuthProvider' => 'PhabricatorOAuth2AuthProvider',
'PhabricatorWorker' => 'Phobject',
diff --git a/src/aphront/configuration/AphrontApplicationConfiguration.php b/src/aphront/configuration/AphrontApplicationConfiguration.php
--- a/src/aphront/configuration/AphrontApplicationConfiguration.php
+++ b/src/aphront/configuration/AphrontApplicationConfiguration.php
@@ -59,6 +59,11 @@
* @phutil-external-symbol class PhabricatorStartup
public static function runHTTPRequest(AphrontHTTPSink $sink) {
+ $response = self::newSelfCheckResponse();
+ return self::writeResponse($sink, $response);
+ }
$multimeter = MultimeterControl::newInstance();
@@ -690,5 +695,36 @@
throw $ex;
+ private static function newSelfCheckResponse() {
+ $path = idx($_REQUEST, '__path__', '');
+ $query = idx($_SERVER, 'QUERY_STRING', '');
+ $pairs = id(new PhutilQueryStringParser())
+ ->parseQueryStringToPairList($query);
+ $params = array();
+ foreach ($pairs as $v) {
+ $params[] = array(
+ 'name' => $v[0],
+ 'value' => $v[1],
+ );
+ }
+ $result = array(
+ 'path' => $path,
+ 'params' => $params,
+ 'user' => idx($_SERVER, 'PHP_AUTH_USER'),
+ 'pass' => idx($_SERVER, 'PHP_AUTH_PW'),
+ // This just makes sure that the response compresses well, so reasonable
+ // algorithms should want to gzip or deflate it.
+ 'filler' => str_repeat('Q', 1024 * 16),
+ );
+ return id(new AphrontJSONResponse())
+ ->setAddJSONShield(false)
+ ->setContent($result);
+ }
diff --git a/src/applications/config/check/PhabricatorWebServerSetupCheck.php b/src/applications/config/check/PhabricatorWebServerSetupCheck.php
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/applications/config/check/PhabricatorWebServerSetupCheck.php
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+final class PhabricatorWebServerSetupCheck extends PhabricatorSetupCheck {
+ public function getDefaultGroup() {
+ return self::GROUP_OTHER;
+ }
+ protected function executeChecks() {
+ // The documentation says these headers exist, but it's not clear if they
+ // are entirely reliable in practice.
+ if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_MOD_PAGESPEED']) ||
+ isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_PAGE_SPEED'])) {
+ $this->newIssue('webserver.pagespeed')
+ ->setName(pht('Disable Pagespeed'))
+ ->setSummary(pht('Pagespeed is enabled, but should be disabled.'))
+ ->setMessage(
+ pht(
+ 'Phabricator received an "X-Mod-Pagespeed" or "X-Page-Speed" '.
+ 'HTTP header on this request, which indicates that you have '.
+ 'enabled "mod_pagespeed" on this server. This module is not '.
+ 'compatible with Phabricator. You should disable it.'));
+ }
+ $base_uri = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phabricator.base-uri');
+ if (!strlen($base_uri)) {
+ // If `phabricator.base-uri` is not set then we can't really do
+ // anything.
+ return;
+ }
+ $expect_user = 'alincoln';
+ $expect_pass = 'hunter2';
+ $send_path = '/test-%252A/';
+ $expect_path = '/test-%2A/';
+ $expect_key = 'duck-sound';
+ $expect_value = 'quack';
+ $base_uri = id(new PhutilURI($base_uri))
+ ->setPath($send_path)
+ ->setQueryParam($expect_key, $expect_value);
+ $future = id(new HTTPSFuture($base_uri))
+ ->addHeader('X-Phabricator-SelfCheck', 1)
+ ->addHeader('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip')
+ ->setHTTPBasicAuthCredentials(
+ $expect_user,
+ new PhutilOpaqueEnvelope($expect_pass))
+ ->setTimeout(5);
+ try {
+ list($body, $headers) = $future->resolvex();
+ } catch (Exception $ex) {
+ // If this fails for whatever reason, just ignore it. Hopefully, the
+ // error is obvious and the user can correct it on their own, but we
+ // can't do much to offer diagnostic advice.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (BaseHTTPFuture::getHeader($headers, 'Content-Encoding') != 'gzip') {
+ $message = pht(
+ 'Phabricator sent itself a request with "Accept-Encoding: gzip", '.
+ 'but received an uncompressed response.'.
+ "\n\n".
+ 'This may indicate that your webserver is not configured to '.
+ 'compress responses. If so, you should enable compression. '.
+ 'Compression can dramatically improve performance, especially '.
+ 'for clients with less bandwidth.');
+ $this->newIssue('webserver.gzip')
+ ->setName(pht('GZip Compression May Not Be Enabled'))
+ ->setSummary(pht('Your webserver may have compression disabled.'))
+ ->setMessage($message);
+ } else {
+ if (function_exists('gzdecode')) {
+ $body = gzdecode($body);
+ } else {
+ $body = null;
+ }
+ if (!$body) {
+ // For now, just bail if we can't decode the response.
+ // This might need to use the stronger magic in "AphrontRequestStream"
+ // to decode more reliably.
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ $structure = null;
+ $caught = null;
+ $extra_whitespace = ($body !== trim($body));
+ if (!$extra_whitespace) {
+ try {
+ $structure = phutil_json_decode($body);
+ } catch (Exception $ex) {
+ $caught = $ex;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$structure) {
+ if ($extra_whitespace) {
+ $message = pht(
+ 'Phabricator sent itself a test request and expected to get a bare '.
+ 'JSON response back, but the response had extra whitespace at '.
+ 'the beginning or end.'.
+ "\n\n".
+ 'This usually means you have edited a file and left whitespace '.
+ 'characters before the opening %s tag, or after a closing %s tag. '.
+ 'Remove any leading whitespace, and prefer to omit closing tags.',
+ phutil_tag('tt', array(), '<?php'),
+ phutil_tag('tt', array(), '?>'));
+ } else {
+ $short = id(new PhutilUTF8StringTruncator())
+ ->setMaximumGlyphs(1024)
+ ->truncateString($body);
+ $message = pht(
+ 'Phabricator sent itself a test request with the '.
+ '"X-Phabricator-SelfCheck" header and expected to get a valid JSON '.
+ 'response back. Instead, the response begins:'.
+ "\n\n".
+ '%s'.
+ "\n\n".
+ 'Something is misconfigured or otherwise mangling responses.',
+ phutil_tag('pre', array(), $short));
+ }
+ $this->newIssue('webserver.mangle')
+ ->setName(pht('Mangled Webserver Response'))
+ ->setSummary(pht('Your webserver produced an unexpected response.'))
+ ->setMessage($message);
+ // We can't run the other checks if we could not decode the response.
+ return;
+ }
+ $actual_user = idx($structure, 'user');
+ $actual_pass = idx($structure, 'pass');
+ if (($expect_user != $actual_user) || ($actual_pass != $expect_pass)) {
+ $message = pht(
+ 'Phabricator sent itself a test request with an "Authorization" HTTP '.
+ 'header, and expected those credentials to be transmitted. However, '.
+ 'they were absent or incorrect when received. Phabricator sent '.
+ 'username "%s" with password "%s"; received username "%s" and '.
+ 'password "%s".'.
+ "\n\n".
+ 'Your webserver may not be configured to forward HTTP basic '.
+ 'authentication. If you plan to use basic authentication (for '.
+ 'example, to access repositories) you should reconfigure it.',
+ $expect_user,
+ $expect_pass,
+ $actual_user,
+ $actual_pass);
+ $this->newIssue('webserver.basic-auth')
+ ->setName(pht('HTTP Basic Auth Not Configured'))
+ ->setSummary(pht('Your webserver is not forwarding credentials.'))
+ ->setMessage($message);
+ }
+ $actual_path = idx($structure, 'path');
+ if ($expect_path != $actual_path) {
+ $message = pht(
+ 'Phabricator sent itself a test request with an unusual path, to '.
+ 'test if your webserver is rewriting paths correctly. The path was '.
+ 'not transmitted correctly.'.
+ "\n\n".
+ 'Phabricator sent a request to path "%s", and expected the webserver '.
+ 'to decode and rewrite that path so that it received a request for '.
+ '"%s". However, it received a request for "%s" instead.'.
+ "\n\n".
+ 'Verify that your rewrite rules are configured correctly, following '.
+ 'the instructions in the documentation. If path encoding is not '.
+ 'working properly you will be unable to access files with unusual '.
+ 'names in repositories, among other issues.'.
+ "\n\n".
+ '(This problem can be caused by a missing "B" in your RewriteRule.)',
+ $send_path,
+ $expect_path,
+ $actual_path);
+ $this->newIssue('webserver.rewrites')
+ ->setName(pht('HTTP Path Rewriting Incorrect'))
+ ->setSummary(pht('Your webserver is rewriting paths improperly.'))
+ ->setMessage($message);
+ }
+ $actual_key = pht('<none>');
+ $actual_value = pht('<none>');
+ foreach (idx($structure, 'params', array()) as $pair) {
+ if (idx($pair, 'name') == $expect_key) {
+ $actual_key = idx($pair, 'name');
+ $actual_value = idx($pair, 'value');
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (($expect_key !== $actual_key) || ($expect_value !== $actual_value)) {
+ $message = pht(
+ 'Phabricator sent itself a test request with an HTTP GET parameter, '.
+ 'but the parameter was not transmitted. Sent "%s" with value "%s", '.
+ 'got "%s" with value "%s".'.
+ "\n\n".
+ 'Your webserver is configured incorrectly and large parts of '.
+ 'Phabricator will not work until this issue is corrected.'.
+ "\n\n".
+ '(This problem can be caused by a missing "QSA" in your RewriteRule.)',
+ $expect_key,
+ $expect_value,
+ $actual_key,
+ $actual_value);
+ $this->newIssue('webserver.parameters')
+ ->setName(pht('HTTP Parameters Not Transmitting'))
+ ->setSummary(
+ pht('Your webserver is not handling GET parameters properly.'))
+ ->setMessage($message);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/support/PhabricatorStartup.php b/support/PhabricatorStartup.php
--- a/support/PhabricatorStartup.php
+++ b/support/PhabricatorStartup.php
@@ -395,6 +395,11 @@
if (function_exists('libxml_disable_entity_loader')) {
+ // Enable automatic compression here. Webservers sometimes do this for
+ // us, but we now detect the absence of compression and warn users about
+ // it so try to cover our bases more thoroughly.
+ ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 1);

File Metadata

Mime Type
Thu, Jun 6, 11:27 AM (2 w, 6 d ago)
Storage Engine
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Encrypted (AES-256-CBC)
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D12622.diff (12 KB)

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