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Be more strict with JSHint.

Authored by joshuaspence on Jun 22 2014, 5:25 PM.
Referenced Files
Unknown Object (File)
Tue, Feb 25, 5:01 PM
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Fri, Feb 21, 4:48 AM
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Sun, Feb 9, 1:47 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Sun, Feb 9, 1:47 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Sun, Feb 9, 1:47 PM
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Jan 30 2025, 9:50 AM
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Jan 27 2025, 7:35 AM
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Jan 27 2025, 7:35 AM


Group Reviewers
Blessed Reviewers
Restricted Diffusion Commit
rPfcaeb2aeb6d9: Be more strict with JSHint.

Add a bunch of extra checks to be performed by jshint. For documentation, see

Test Plan

Ran jshint --config support/jshint/jshintconfig webroot/rsrc/js/. There were a bunch of existing violations, but some of these are legitimate and probably require attention.

  "bitwise": true, // 0 violations
  "curly": true, // 0 violations
  "immed": true, // 1 violation
  "indent": 2, // 0 violations
  "latedef": true, // 10 violations
  "newcap": true, // 1 violation
  "noarg": true, // 0 violations
  "quotmark": "single", // 55 violations
  "undef": true, // 24 violations
  "unused": true, // 107 violations

  "expr": true,
  "loopfunc": true,
  "sub": true,

  "globals": {
    "JX": false,
    "__DEV__": false
  "browser": true

Diff Detail

rP Phabricator
Lint Skipped
Tests Skipped

Event Timeline

joshuaspence retitled this revision from to Be more strict with JSHint..
joshuaspence updated this object.
joshuaspence edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
joshuaspence added a reviewer: epriestley.
epriestley edited edge metadata.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jun 22 2014, 5:30 PM

Just confirming... you're happy with this even though it introduces a bunch of linter errors?


We may want a separate JSHint configuration file for NodeJS?

Yep, that's fine -- we can clean deal with them as we go.

I think it's probably fine not to warn about use of document, etc., in Node.js code -- we share some code anyway. We could split things out if there's an issue.

joshuaspence updated this revision to Diff 23197.

Closed by commit rPfcaeb2aeb6d9 (authored by @joshuaspence).