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Admin LDAP import on people page
Needs RevisionPublic

Authored by danielf on Jul 4 2012, 3:43 AM.
Referenced Files
F15397849: D2920.id5494.diff
Sun, Mar 16, 10:36 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Fri, Feb 28, 11:49 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 17 2025, 7:56 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 9 2025, 10:12 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 9 2025, 10:12 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 9 2025, 10:12 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 25 2025, 8:05 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 7 2025, 1:39 PM



Relates to : T1407

Test Plan

(With ldap auth available)
Log in as admin
Go to people page
Click import from ldap
Enter an ldap username and password as well as a query string.
Select users to be imported
Click import.

Diff Detail

Lint Skipped
Tests Skipped

Event Timeline

Sorry for the delay on this. Looks generally good, mostly just a lot of style nitpicks.

Lint raises these errors, can you fix them? If you run "arc lint" it should be able to fix many of them automatically, although you'll need to build xhpast for it to work and that might be difficult. Most of this is just trailing whitespace.

>>> Lint for src/applications/auth/ldap/PhabricatorLDAPProvider.php:

   Auto-Fix  (TXT6) Trailing Whitespace
    This line contains trailing whitespace.

              53   public function retrieveUserEmail() {
              54     return $this->userData['mail'][0];
              55   }
    >>> -     56   
              57   public function retrieveUserRealName() {
              58     return $this->retrieveUserRealNameFromData($this->userData);
              59   }

   Warning  (XHP26) Space After Control Statement
    Convention: put a space after control statements.

             174     $rows = array();
             176     for($i = 0; $i < $entries['count']; $i++) {
             177       $row = array();
             178       $entry = $entries[$i];

   Auto-Fix  (TXT6) Trailing Whitespace
    This line contains trailing whitespace.

             176     for($i = 0; $i < $entries['count']; $i++) {
             177       $row = array();
             178       $entry = $entries[$i];
    >>> -    179       // Get username, email and realname 
        +              // Get username, email and realname
             180       $username = $entry[$this->getSearchAttribute()][0];
             181       if(empty($username)) {
             182         continue;

   Warning  (XHP26) Space After Control Statement
    Convention: put a space after control statements.

             178       $entry = $entries[$i];
             179       // Get username, email and realname 
             180       $username = $entry[$this->getSearchAttribute()][0];
             181       if(empty($username)) {
             182         continue;
             183       }

   Auto-Fix  (TXT6) Trailing Whitespace
    This line contains trailing whitespace.

             183       }
             184       $row[] = $username;
             185       $row[] = $entry['mail'][0];
    >>> -    186       $row[] = $this->retrieveUserRealNameFromData($entry);      
        +              $row[] = $this->retrieveUserRealNameFromData($entry);
             189       $rows[] = $row;
>>> Lint for src/applications/people/controller/PhabricatorPeopleLdapController.php:

   Auto-Fix  (TXT6) Trailing Whitespace
    This line contains trailing whitespace.

              74       ->appendChild(
              75         id(new AphrontFormPasswordControl())
              76         ->setLabel('Password')
    >>> -     77         ->setName('password')) 
        +                ->setName('password'))
              78       ->appendChild(
              79         id(new AphrontFormTextControl())
              80         ->setLabel('LDAP query')

   Warning  (TXT3) Line Too Long
    This line is 92 characters long, but the convention is 80 characters.

              79         id(new AphrontFormTextControl())
              80         ->setLabel('LDAP query')
              81         ->setName('query'))
    >>>       82       ->setAction($request->getRequestURI()->alter('search', 'true')->alter('import', null))
              83       ->appendChild(
              84         id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl())
              85         ->setValue('Search'));

   Auto-Fix  (TXT6) Trailing Whitespace
    This line contains trailing whitespace.

              88     $panel->setHeader('Import Ldap Users');
              89     $panel->appendChild($form);
    >>> -     91     
              92     if($request->getStr('import')) {
              93       $panels[] = $this->processImportRequest($request);
              94     }

   Warning  (XHP26) Space After Control Statement
    Convention: put a space after control statements.

              89     $panel->appendChild($form);
              92     if($request->getStr('import')) {
              93       $panels[] = $this->processImportRequest($request);
              94     }

   Auto-Fix  (TXT6) Trailing Whitespace
    This line contains trailing whitespace.

              92     if($request->getStr('import')) {
              93       $panels[] = $this->processImportRequest($request);
              94     }
    >>> -     95     
              96     $panels[] = $panel;
              98     if($request->getStr('search')) {

   Warning  (XHP26) Space After Control Statement
    Convention: put a space after control statements.

              96     $panels[] = $panel;
              98     if($request->getStr('search')) {
              99       $panels[] = $this->processSearchRequest($request);
             100     }

   Auto-Fix  (TXT6) Trailing Whitespace
    This line contains trailing whitespace.

             106   private function processImportRequest($request) {
             107     $admin = $request->getUser();
    >>> -    108     $usernames = $request->getArr('usernames'); 
        +            $usernames = $request->getArr('usernames');
             109     $emails = $request->getArr('email'); 
             110     $names = $request->getArr('name'); 

   Auto-Fix  (TXT6) Trailing Whitespace
    This line contains trailing whitespace.

             106   private function processImportRequest($request) {
             107     $admin = $request->getUser();
             108     $usernames = $request->getArr('usernames'); 
    >>> -    109     $emails = $request->getArr('email'); 
        +            $emails = $request->getArr('email');
             110     $names = $request->getArr('name'); 
             112     $panel = new AphrontErrorView();

   Auto-Fix  (TXT6) Trailing Whitespace
    This line contains trailing whitespace.

             107     $admin = $request->getUser();
             108     $usernames = $request->getArr('usernames'); 
             109     $emails = $request->getArr('email'); 
    >>> -    110     $names = $request->getArr('name'); 
        +            $names = $request->getArr('name');
             112     $panel = new AphrontErrorView();
             113     $panel->setSeverity(AphrontErrorView::SEVERITY_NOTICE);

   Auto-Fix  (TXT6) Trailing Whitespace
    This line contains trailing whitespace.

             108     $usernames = $request->getArr('usernames'); 
             109     $emails = $request->getArr('email'); 
             110     $names = $request->getArr('name'); 
    >>> -    111     
             112     $panel = new AphrontErrorView();
             113     $panel->setSeverity(AphrontErrorView::SEVERITY_NOTICE);
             114     $panel->setTitle("Import Successful");

   Auto-Fix  (TXT6) Trailing Whitespace
    This line contains trailing whitespace.

             112     $panel = new AphrontErrorView();
             113     $panel->setSeverity(AphrontErrorView::SEVERITY_NOTICE);
             114     $panel->setTitle("Import Successful");
    >>> -    115     $errors = array("Successfully imported users from ldap"); 
        +            $errors = array("Successfully imported users from ldap");
             118     foreach($usernames as $username) {

   Warning  (XHP26) Space After Control Statement
    Convention: put a space after control statements.

             115     $errors = array("Successfully imported users from ldap"); 
             118     foreach($usernames as $username) {
             119       $user = new PhabricatorUser();
             120       $user->setUsername($username);

   Auto-Fix  (TXT6) Trailing Whitespace
    This line contains trailing whitespace.

             119       $user = new PhabricatorUser();
             120       $user->setUsername($username);
             121       $user->setRealname($names[$username]);
    >>> -    122       
             123       $email_obj = id(new PhabricatorUserEmail())
             124         ->setAddress($emails[$username])
             125         ->setIsVerified(1);

   Error  (TXT2) Tab Literal
    Configure your editor to use spaces for indentation.

             127         id(new PhabricatorUserEditor())
             128           ->setActor($admin)
             129           ->createNewUser($user, $email_obj);
    >>>      130 	
             131         $ldap_info = new PhabricatorUserLDAPInfo();
             132         $ldap_info->setLDAPUsername($username);
             133         $ldap_info->setUserID($user->getID());

   Warning  (SPELL0) Possible spelling mistake
    Possible spelling error.  You wrote 'succesfully', but did you mean

             132         $ldap_info->setLDAPUsername($username);
             133         $ldap_info->setUserID($user->getID());
             134         $ldap_info->save();
    >>>      135         $errors[] = 'Succesfully added ' . $username;
             136       } catch (Exception $ex) {
             137         $errors[] = 'Failed to add ' . $username . ' ' . $ex->getMessage();

   Auto-Fix  (TXT6) Trailing Whitespace
    This line contains trailing whitespace.

             136       } catch (Exception $ex) {
             137         $errors[] = 'Failed to add ' . $username . ' ' . $ex->getMessage();
             138       }
    >>> -    139     }    
        +            }
             141     $panel->setErrors($errors);
             142     return $panel; 

   Auto-Fix  (TXT6) Trailing Whitespace
    This line contains trailing whitespace.

             139     }    
             141     $panel->setErrors($errors);
    >>> -    142     return $panel; 
        +            return $panel;
             144   }

   Warning  (XHP9) Naming Conventions
    Follow naming conventions: variables should be named using

             153     $search   = $request->getStr('query');
             155     try {
    >>>      156       $ldapProvider = new PhabricatorLDAPProvider();
             157       $ldapProvider->auth($username, $password);
             158       $results = $ldapProvider->search($search);
             159       foreach($results as $key => $result) {

   Warning  (XHP9) Naming Conventions
    Follow naming conventions: variables should be named using

             155     try {
             156       $ldapProvider = new PhabricatorLDAPProvider();
    >>>      157       $ldapProvider->auth($username, $password);
             158       $results = $ldapProvider->search($search);
             159       foreach($results as $key => $result) {
             160         $results[$key][] = $this->renderUserInputs($result);

   Warning  (XHP9) Naming Conventions
    Follow naming conventions: variables should be named using

             155     try {
             156       $ldapProvider = new PhabricatorLDAPProvider();
             157       $ldapProvider->auth($username, $password);
    >>>      158       $results = $ldapProvider->search($search);
             159       foreach($results as $key => $result) {
             160         $results[$key][] = $this->renderUserInputs($result);
             161       }

   Warning  (XHP26) Space After Control Statement
    Convention: put a space after control statements.

             156       $ldapProvider = new PhabricatorLDAPProvider();
             157       $ldapProvider->auth($username, $password);
             158       $results = $ldapProvider->search($search);
             159       foreach($results as $key => $result) {
             160         $results[$key][] = $this->renderUserInputs($result);
             161       }

   Warning  (TXT3) Line Too Long
    This line is 97 characters long, but the convention is 80 characters.

             172           '',
             173         ));
             174       $form->appendChild($table);
    >>>      175       $form->setAction($request->getRequestURI()->alter('import', 'true')->alter('search', null))
             176         ->appendChild(
             177           id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl())
             178           ->setValue('Import'));

   Auto-Fix  (TXT6) Trailing Whitespace
    This line contains trailing whitespace.

             188     return $panel;
             190   }
    >>> -    191    
             192   private function renderUserInputs($user) {
             193         $username = $user[0];
             194 	$inputs =  phutil_render_tag(

   Auto-Fix  (TXT6) Trailing Whitespace
    This line contains trailing whitespace.

             196           array(
             197             'type' => 'checkbox',
             198             'name' => 'usernames[]',
    >>> -    199             'value' =>$username, 
        +                    'value' =>$username,
             200           ),
             201           '');

   Auto-Fix  (TXT6) Trailing Whitespace
    This line contains trailing whitespace.

             205           array(
             206             'type' => 'hidden',
             207             'name' => "email[$username]",
    >>> -    208             'value' =>$user[1], 
        +                    'value' =>$user[1],
             209           ),
             210           '');

   Auto-Fix  (TXT6) Trailing Whitespace
    This line contains trailing whitespace.

             208             'value' =>$user[1], 
             209           ),
             210           '');
    >>> -    211  
             212 	$inputs .=  phutil_render_tag(
             213           'input',
             214           array(

   Auto-Fix  (TXT6) Trailing Whitespace
    This line contains trailing whitespace.

             214           array(
             215             'type' => 'hidden',
             216             'name' => "name[$username]",
    >>> -    217             'value' =>$user[2], 
        +                    'value' =>$user[2],
             218           ),
             219           '');



All unused?


Consider moving the body of processBasicRequest() here since there are no other request types for this controller.


Although I'm not familiar with LDAP, I have no clue what I should put in this field. Maybe add an example with setCaption()?


Move this up top rather than in the middle of the fields.


We should be consistent about "Ldap" or "LDAP" -- maybe "LDAP"?


For consistency, prefer trailing slash (/people/ldap/). The routing code will add one if you omit it, but it costs a redirect.

Thanks for that Evan,

Fixed the style issues and refactored away the superfluous method.

avivey changed the visibility from "All Users" to "Public (No Login Required)".