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Add status table to Diffusion Branch manage page

Authored by chad on Aug 10 2017, 5:16 PM.
Referenced Files
F15357904: D18386.id44193.diff
Tue, Mar 11, 7:04 AM
F15303278: D18386.id44193.diff
Thu, Mar 6, 12:28 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Sat, Mar 1, 1:09 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Tue, Feb 18, 6:49 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 9 2025, 4:32 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 9 2025, 4:32 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 9 2025, 4:32 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Feb 9 2025, 4:32 AM



Fixes T12832. Adds a basic table (not paginated?) to view tracking and autoclose status.

Test Plan

Review a large repository (Krita) with setting various states of tracking and autoclose.

image.png (1×2 px, 394 KB)

Diff Detail

rP Phabricator
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

large repository

Does this repository have 10,000+ branches?

I thought I put a comment on the diff message - I'm not sure how to paginate this.

  • You can paginate by following the logic in DiffusionBranchTableController, i.e. use PHUIPagerView to manage an offset and limit, and pass offset and limit to branchquery.
  • You should use $repository->shouldAutocloseBranch() and $repository->shouldTrackBranch() to test if a branch is autoclose and tracked, respectively. The logic as written is incorrect because these fields accept regular expressions, not just literal branch names (see "Branches" in Diffusion User Guide: Managing Repositories).

This is unnecessary if all columns are visible.

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Aug 10 2017, 5:28 PM

$repository->shouldAutocloseBranch() seems to not work if the repository is still importing. It will just say "off". I can get a reason, "auto/importing". Not sure what to show the user.

That's PhabricatorRepository::BECAUSE_REPOSITORY_IMPORTING which means "This is an autoclose branch, but we aren't autoclosing commits on it yet because the repository hasn't finished its initial first-time import.".

This rule addresses the case where installs may choose to (for example) import the phabricator/ repository locally, but forget to disable "Autoclose". If we autoclosed during initial import, their install would see a lot of commits appear with Fixes Txxx (our commits from the Phabricator upstream) and incorrectly close thousands of tasks -- e.g., when I wrote Fixes T123 in some commit I meant our T123 -- -- but if phabricator/ is imported into another install that install will have a different local T123 --

You could display "Yes" or "Yes, But Not Until The Import Finishes", or hide the whole table.

chad edited edge metadata.
  • add pager, use correct methods, check import status
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Aug 10 2017, 8:25 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.