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Use Drydock authorizations when acquiring leases

Authored by epriestley on Oct 12 2015, 1:26 PM.
Referenced Files
F13261934: D14254.diff
Mon, May 27, 1:36 AM
Fri, May 24, 10:42 PM
F13249127: D14254.id34427.diff
Fri, May 24, 6:55 AM
F13244808: D14254.diff
Thu, May 23, 5:20 AM
F13213537: D14254.diff
Fri, May 17, 7:52 AM
F13193185: D14254.diff
Sun, May 12, 12:49 PM
F13181595: D14254.id34416.diff
Thu, May 9, 1:28 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Tue, May 7, 7:25 AM



Ref T9519. When acquiring leases on resources:

  • Only consider resources created by authorized blueprints.
  • Only consider authorized blueprints when creating new resources.
  • Fail with a tailored error if no blueprints are allowed.
  • Fail with a tailored error if missing authorizations are causing acquisition failure.

One somewhat-substantial issue with this is that it's pretty hard to figure out from the Harbormaster side. Specifically, the Build step UI does not show field value anywhere, so the presence of unapproved blueprints is not communicated. This is much more clear in Drydock. I'll plan to address this in future changes to Harbormaster, since there are other related/similar issues anyway.

Test Plan

Screen Shot 2015-10-12 at 5.43.47 AM.png (272×1 px, 51 KB)

Diff Detail

rP Phabricator
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

epriestley retitled this revision from to Use Drydock authorizations when acquiring leases.
epriestley updated this object.
epriestley edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
epriestley added reviewers: chad, hach-que.
chad edited edge metadata.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 12 2015, 2:08 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.