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Workboards - fix adding new tasks and sorting

Authored by btrahan on Jul 30 2014, 8:02 PM.
Referenced Files
F13393598: D10081.id24241.diff
Wed, Jul 3, 12:50 AM
F13393597: D10081.id24242.diff
Wed, Jul 3, 12:50 AM
Wed, Jul 3, 12:50 AM
F13393456: D10081.diff
Tue, Jul 2, 11:26 PM
F13391444: D10081.diff
Tue, Jul 2, 9:48 AM
F13374778: D10081.diff
Sat, Jun 29, 12:55 AM
F13350010: D10081.diff
Sun, Jun 23, 5:58 AM
F13335452: D10081.diff
Wed, Jun 19, 2:03 AM



At least on my install, sorting was pretty borked from a type issue. (e.g. "unbreak now" of 100 sorting as less than "High" of 90). Fix this with some parseInt action. Also support adding new cards with the new colsort stuff. The clever bit here is to include the task ID in the sorting vector because the task ID wins ties at the moment I think / new tasks need to show up before older tasks when they are initially created. Fixes T5716.

Test Plan

added many "normal" priority cards and saw them fly in correctly. changed priority and moved correctly. made no edits and no moves were made correctly.

Diff Detail

rP Phabricator
Lint Skipped
Tests Skipped

Event Timeline

btrahan retitled this revision from to Workboards - fix adding new tasks and sorting.
btrahan updated this object.
btrahan edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
btrahan added a reviewer: epriestley.
epriestley edited edge metadata.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jul 30 2014, 8:05 PM
btrahan updated this revision to Diff 24242.

Closed by commit rP90431fd101b4 (authored by @btrahan).