
Ask users to sign Legalpad documents before requiring they enroll in MFA


Ask users to sign Legalpad documents before requiring they enroll in MFA

Depends on D18789. Ref T13024. See PHI223. Currently, if security.require-multi-factor-auth and Legalpad "Signature Required" documents are both set, it's not possible to survive account registration, since MFA is requiried to sign and signatures are required to add MFA.

Instead, check for signatures before requiring MFA enrollment. This makes logical sense, since it's silly to add MFA if you don't agree to a Terms of Service or whatever.

(Note that if you already have MFA, we prompt for that first, before either of these steps, which also makes sense.)

Test Plan: Configured security.require-multi-factor-auth. Added a signature-required document. Loaded a page as a new user. Went through signature workflow, then through the MFA enrollment workflow.

Reviewers: amckinley

Reviewed By: amckinley

Maniphest Tasks: T13024

Differential Revision: https://secure.phabricator.com/D18790