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Allow Arcanist to allocate resources through Drydock
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We'll probably have the use case in the near future to allow developers to allocate resources (such as a VM for running functional tests or deploying their code onto). In this case we'll probably need:

  • "Can allocate" and "can lease" policies on blueprints
  • Conduit methods for obtaining Drydock leases
  • An Arcanist workflow similar to bin/drydock lease in order to obtain a lease

Event Timeline

hach-que raised the priority of this task from to Normal.
hach-que updated the task description. (Show Details)
hach-que added projects: Drydock, Arcanist.
hach-que added subscribers: epriestley, hach-que.

Pretty sure this is the same as T6076; I'm going to merge that here.

I don't plan to pursue this any time soon, although it's presumably straightforward after Drydock is mature enough to have an API, and may become trivial (via arc call-conduit) before then since Drydock/Harbormaster actions generally act via Conduit anyway. If the required APIs are non-specialized, this is probably blocked by T5955 + T7715, but I'd guess that the relevant APIs are probably specialized.

(I'd also generally expect these use cases to act via Harbormaster (roughly, "run build X on my current working copy state"), since the pathway there seems short and straightforward (push to staging area, create some kind of Buildable, dump that into Harbormaster) and that seems like the command users would want to run, not arc drydock allocate-resource.)

epriestley lowered the priority of this task from Normal to Wishlist.Aug 24 2015, 4:49 PM
epriestley moved this task from Backlog to Far Future on the Drydock board.
epriestley added a subscriber: chad.