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Updated 1,637 Days AgoPublic

This document outlines Phabricator dependencies.

This document is manually curated and may not be completely exhaustive or up to date. It was last updated in 2019 Week 19.

Binary Dependencies

Phabricator executes these programs in subprocesses.

gitCreate a Git repository in Diffusion.
git-upload-packHost a Git repository over SSH.
git-receive-packHost a Git repository over SSH.
git-http-backendHost a Git repository over HTTP/HTTPS.
hgCreate a Mercurial repository in Diffusion.
svnCreate an SVN repository in Diffusion.
svnadminHost a SVN repository.
pygmentizeEnable pygments.enabled.
sshHost or observe any SSH repository in Diffusion.
sendmailEnable a "Sendmail" mailer.
psRun bin/phd status.
mysqlRun certain administrative bin/storage commands.
nodeRun the Aphlict notification server.
convertEnable files.enable-imagemagick.
fileFallback MIME detection, mostly used by older versions of PHP.
ssh-keygenGenerate SSH keypairs.

Bundled Dependencies

Phabricator ships with copies of these external dependencies.

JsShrink-Javascript minifier.
MimeMailParser-Parses inbound SMTP email. See also PHP Mailparse.
PEAR Text_Figlet-Renders figlet fonts.
PHPMailer5.1 (Modified)Sends outbound SMTP mail.
PHP QR Code1.1.4Generates QR codes for TOTP MFA.
Stripe PHP API1.16.0Interacts with Stripe in Phortune.
D3.js5.9.2Draws charts.
JSONLint-Provides detailed JSON error messages.
PHP Porter Stemmer-Reduces English-language search terms to stems.


  • PHPMailer is a mess. We've tried to patch around most of the most serious RCE issues. It will be removed in a future version of Phabricator. See T12046.

Media/Resource Dependencies

Phabricator ships with copies of these external dependencies, but only uses assets like images and does not execute any code they contain.

cowsay3.03For ASCII cow graphics only, code is not executed.
Figlet2.1For ASCII fonts only, code is not executed.
Octicons-Icon pack.
Openwall Wordlist-List of common passwords.
FontAwesome-Icon font.
Lato Font-Google web font.
CLDR Windows Timezone Data-An XML file with Windows timezone mappings.

External Dependencies

Phabricator may load and execute these dependencies if they are installed on the system and Phabricator is configured to use them.

PHP MailparseParses inbound SMTP email.
PHPExcelGenerates Excel spreadsheets.


  • PHPExcel has been deprecated in favor of PhpSpreadsheet, but remains widely available and there is no specific motivation to upgrade it at time of writing.
Last Author
Last Edited
Sep 15 2020, 4:08 PM

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epriestley edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
epriestley edited the content of this document. (Show Details)