Easiest fix here is to provide a "No Skin" skin (T9545), but the "Oblivious" skin we ship with is substantially rough.
Since "Oblivious" was just a play on "Svbtle" and it seems like the hype train on that has died down and that Medium is the new cool thing that we should be inartfully mocking, maybe we should retire "Oblivious" and replace it with a large-generic-cover-art skin called "Average".
These concerns probably apply no matter what since the root issue is just that we don't have a good blog-flavored variant style for Remarkup.
Bad (excessively subtle) visual style for links:
No styling for blockquoted text:
No styling for callout blocks:
Callout blocks also don't get proper space after them. I had to put an invisible paragraph with a nonbreaking space here to get the callout to separate from the next paragraph:
Post pages have no title: