Minor issues with the typeahead and tokenizers, particularly related to T4100 / T5750.
- Maybe add an option to hide closed/disabled results from browse view?
- Maybe add an object subtitle to the browse view (description for projects, explanation for functions, etc).
- Unique functions (like `viewer()`) order correctly in the browse view but should get the same ordering rules in the as-you-type dropdown view.
- Although we should probably force other functions to the bottom here, which is not the same as the browse view.
- The `priorityType` field should probably be unified with the `isUnique` field.
- Function tokens UI might be too subtle? See how it goes...
- Functions might be too confusing for new users? Adjust onboarding ramp-up speed if necessary.
- `TypeaheadResult` and `TokenView` should almost certainly be the same class instead of separate, similar classes.
- When a `browseURI` is present, maybe add an option to the bottom of the as-you-type list like "More results..." that pops the browse dialog open with the query prefilled?
- The dropdown doesn't show colors, but maybe it should?
- Policy control is not setting types and icons (and probably colors) correctly (see T7866).
- The "Status" and "Priority" browse dialogs should probably order results by "natural order", not by name.
- (Fixed by EditEngine) ~~Action tokenizers (e.g., Maniphest Task -> Add CCs) don't have a `browseURI` so they don't get a browse button.~~
- (D14738) ~~Fields that only allow 1 selection (like assigned) should only allow 1 selection~~