I'm working on a Gantt-Chart Dashboard for Phabricator, and have two Main Problem:
Task's Main Project
How does the Maniphest App detect the correct project for a Task which has multiple project tags?
If we use [[ https://secure.phabricator.com/maniphest/query/8Ny3pBhsId.R/#R | this ]] Maniphest query which **Groups the Result by Projects**, if a Task has multiple projects tags(For Example {T11892} has the Tags: #bug_report and #aphlict) then Maniphest chooses one of them to Group by it.
I'd like to achieve similar Result(or be able to parse the JSON result manually and group the tasks by projects) with Conduit `maniphest.search` or `maniphest.query` APIs.
I'm familiar with `maniphest.search` //Project Attachment// which lists the tasks projects, but how can I choose which Project to Group by it? Does the First Item the Main Project?
Task's Main Parent
I have same issue when dealing with Tasks and it's sub-tasks. Currently `maniphest.search` API does not give any information about sub-tasks, but `maniphest.query` does(via `dependsOnTaskPHIDs`). But how can I choose which Item is it's main/direct parent?
I'd like to find out Task's direct parent to Group them together.