Ran `jshint --config support/jshint/jshintconfig webroot/rsrc/js/`. There were a bunch of existing violations, but some of these are legitimate and probably require attention.
"bitwise": true, // 0 violations
"curly": true, // 0 violations
"immed": true, // 1 violation
"indent": 2, // 0 violations
"latedef": true, // 10 violations
"newcap": true, // 1 violation
"noarg": true, // 0 violations
"quotmark": "single", // 55 violations
"undef": true, // 24 violations
"unused": true, // 107 violations
"expr": true,
"loopfunc": true,
"sub": true,
"globals": {
"JX": false,
"__DEV__": false
"browser": true