Error with cURL PHP extension when running arc
Error with cURL PHP extension when running arc
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eambutu updated the question from to Error with cURL PHP extension when running arc.Dec 28 2016, 9:18 PM2016-12-28 21:18:10 (UTC+0)
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Okay, how about this?
$ php -r 'echo function_exists("curl_init") ? "YES\n" : "NO\n";'
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Huh, when I run that, it shows PHP Version => 7.1.0. Why would this be different? I even uninstalled php7 from my computer.
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You have installed multiple versions of PHP, some of which have cURL and some of which do not.
This is a distribution / package management / system administration problem unique to your environment rather than a Phabricator issue, and thus far outside the realm of free support. See Consulting if you'd like our help moving forward.