Is there a way to completely deactivate Spaces?
Is there a way to completely deactivate Spaces?
Event Timeline
tycho.tatitscheff updated the question from to Is there a way to completly desactivate Space.Sep 15 2015, 11:02 AM2015-09-15 11:02:06 (UTC+0)
tycho.tatitscheff updated the question details. (Show Details)Sep 15 2015, 11:25 AM2015-09-15 11:25:21 (UTC+0)
tycho.tatitscheff updated the answer wiki. (Show Details)Sep 15 2015, 11:41 AM2015-09-15 11:41:24 (UTC+0)
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Did you intend to add an Answer Summary as the same question? I'd love to improve the clarity of the form if it's unclear, we're not asking you to ask your questions three times.
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I surely misunderstood the goal of this field/
For me it was more saying the details in detail and giving a summary in summary.
tycho.tatitscheff updated the question from Is there a way to completely deactivate a Space? to Is there a way to completely deactivate Space?.Edited · Sep 15 2015, 4:02 PM2015-09-15 16:02:48 (UTC+0)
Comment Actions@chad was more "desactivate space as an application". I can already "desactivate a special space" by archiving it.
chad updated the question from Is there a way to completely deactivate Space? to Is there a way to completely deactivate a Space?.Sep 15 2015, 4:04 PM2015-09-15 16:04:26 (UTC+0)
Comment ActionsSpaces is the application name. Space is the object.
tycho.tatitscheff updated the question from Is there a way to completely deactivate a Space? to Is there a way to completely deactivate Spaces?.Sep 15 2015, 4:08 PM2015-09-15 16:08:57 (UTC+0)
chad closed this question as resolved.