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- User Since
- Aug 23 2014, 1:39 AM (549 w, 1 d)
- Availability
- Available
Aug 25 2014
Aug 25 2014
kefayati added a comment to T5954: Modularize "Export to Excel" as a feature of ApplicationSearch.
Given the level of interest in the community, I suggest starting from the field types that are easier to extend. I know it might not be a superb way, but most it would perhaps provide a way forward.
kefayati added a comment to T5954: Modularize "Export to Excel" as a feature of ApplicationSearch.
Can someone point me at the implementation of custom fields and how they are stored?
Aug 23 2014
Aug 23 2014
kefayati added a comment to T5950: How to get custom fields and their values from $task.
So it is currently unavailable, right? I have seen the thread of the issue to which this is merged.
kefayati updated the task description for T5950: How to get custom fields and their values from $task.