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Build 32900

Run "arc unit --everything"

Completed at Feb 23 2020, 5:31 PM · Built for 48 s
3 empty logs are hidden. Show all logs.

Build Log 31420 (remote - stdout)
25 - 50 - 100 - Unlimited Lines

517  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUTF8TestCase::testUTF8vCodepoints
518  PASS   11ms★ PhutilUTF8TestCase::testUTF8izeLongStringNosegfault
519  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUnitTestEngineTestCase::testPass
520  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUnitTestEngineTestCase::testFailSkip
521  PASS   1ms★ PhutilUnitTestEngineTestCase::testGetTestPaths
522  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUnitTestEngineTestCase::testTryTestMap
523  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUnitTestEngineTestCase::testTryTestCases
524  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUrisprintfTestCase::testUrisprintf
525  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testIFilterWithEmptyValueNegateFiltered
526  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testNonempty
527  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testHeadKeyLastKey
528  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testPhutilUnits
529  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testVectorSortString
530  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testMFilterWithEmptyValueFiltered
531  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testIFilterInvalidIndexThrowException
532  PASS   1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testPhutilJSONDecode
533  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testIFilterWithEmptyValueFiltered
534  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testHeadLast
535  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testIdx
536  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testJSONEncode
537  PASS   4ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testQueryStringEncoding
538  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testVectorSortInt
539  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testCensorCredentials
540  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testAssertSameKeys
541  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testNaturalList
542  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testMFilterNullMethodThrowException
543  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testIFilterIndexNotExistsAllFiltered
544  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testArrayInterleave
545  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testPhutilINIDecode
546  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testMFilterWithEmptyValueNegateFiltered
547  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testmergevMergingBasicallyWorksCorrectly
548  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testArrayFuse
549  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testVarExport
550  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testCoalesce
551  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testSplitLines
552  PASS   2ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testFnmatch
553  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testLoggableString
554  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testHashComparisons
555  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testIFilterIndexNotExistsNotFiltered
556  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testID
557  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testAssertStringLike
558  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilUtilsTestCase::testAssertInstancesOf
559  PASS   12ms★ XHPASTNodeTestCase::testGetNamespace
560  PASS   41ms★ XHPASTNodeTestCase::testGetStringVariables
561  PASS  127ms XHPASTTreeTestCase::testEvalStaticString
562  PASS   <1ms★ XUnitTestResultParserTestCase::testAcceptsNoTestsInput
563  PASS   <1ms★ XUnitTestResultParserTestCase::testEmptyInputFailure
564  PASS   <1ms★ XUnitTestResultParserTestCase::testAcceptsSimpleInput
565  PASS   <1ms★ XUnitTestResultParserTestCase::testInvalidXmlInputFailure

Build Log 31418 (remote - stdout)
25 - 50 - 100 - Unlimited Lines

365  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilCsprintfTestCase::testPowershell
366  PASS   2ms★ PhutilDeferredLogTestCase::testNoWrite
367  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilDeferredLogTestCase::testDoubleWrite
368  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilDeferredLogTestCase::testLogWriteFailure
369  PASS   3ms★ PhutilDeferredLogTestCase::testLogging
370  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilDeferredLogTestCase::testSetAfterWrite
371  PASS   7ms★ PhutilDocblockParserTestCase::testParser
372  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilEditDistanceMatrixTestCase::testEditMatrixMaximumLength
373  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilEditDistanceMatrixTestCase::testDamerauEditString
374  PASS   3ms★ PhutilEditDistanceMatrixTestCase::testEditDistance
375  PASS   2ms★ PhutilEditDistanceMatrixTestCase::testDamerauEditDistance
376  PASS   3ms★ PhutilEditDistanceMatrixTestCase::testEditString
377  PASS   57ms PhutilEditorConfigTestCase::testGetProperty
378  PASS   1ms★ PhutilEmailAddressTestCase::testEmailParsing
379  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilEmailAddressTestCase::testEmailEncoding
380  PASS   1ms★ PhutilErrorHandlerTestCase::testSilenceHandler
381  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilErrorHandlerTestCase::testProxyException
382  PASS   72ms PhutilFileLockTestCase::testLockTesting
383  PASS   98ms PhutilFileLockTestCase::testInProcessHolding
384  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilFileLockTestCase::testExcessiveUnlock
385  PASS  116ms PhutilFileLockTestCase::testUnlockAll
386  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilFileLockTestCase::testRelock
387  PASS  134ms PhutilFileLockTestCase::testLockHolding
388  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilFileLockTestCase::testIsLocked
389  PASS   81ms PhutilFileLockTestCase::testInProcessLocking
390  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilGitURITestCase::testStrictGitURIParsingOfLeadingWhitespace
391  PASS   1ms★ PhutilGitURITestCase::testGitURIParsing
392  PASS   3ms★ PhutilHTMLParserTestCase::testSelectChildrenWithTags
393  PASS   6ms★ PhutilHTMLParserTestCase::testHTMLParser
394  PASS   2ms★ PhutilHTTPResponseParserTestCase::testSimpleParsing
395  PASS   5ms★ PhutilHashingIteratorTestCase::testHashingIterator
396  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilHgsprintfTestCase::testHgsprintf
397  PASS   3ms★ PhutilIPAddressTestCase::testValidIPv4CIDRBlocks
398  PASS   2ms★ PhutilIPAddressTestCase::testIPv6CIDRBlockContains
399  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilIPAddressTestCase::testCIDRList
400  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilIPAddressTestCase::testIPv4CIDRBlockContains
401  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilIPAddressTestCase::testValidIPv6CIDRBlocks
402  PASS   1ms★ PhutilIPAddressTestCase::testValidIPv4Addresses
403  PASS   1ms★ PhutilIPAddressTestCase::testValidIPv6Addresses
404  PASS   1ms★ PhutilIPAddressTestCase::testIPv6AddressToAddress
405  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilIPAddressTestCase::testIPv6AddressToBits
406  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilIPAddressTestCase::testIPv4AddressToBits
407  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilInvalidStateExceptionTestCase::testException
408  PASS   8ms★ PhutilJSONParserTestCase::testValidJSON
409  PASS   1ms★ PhutilJSONParserTestCase::testDuplicateKeys
410  PASS   3ms★ PhutilJSONParserTestCase::testInvalidJSON
411  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilJSONProtocolChannelTestCase::testJSONChannelBasics
412  PASS   <1ms★ PhutilJSONTestCase::testEmptyArrayEncoding
413  PASS   7ms★ PhutilLanguageGuesserTestCase::testGuessing

Build Log 31416 (remote - stdout)
25 - 50 - 100 - Unlimited Lines

60Unable to locate binary "cppcheck" to run linter ArcanistCppcheckLinter. You may need to install the binary, or adjust your linter configuration.
61TO INSTALL: Install Cppcheck using `apt-get install cppcheck` or similar.
62  SKIP  ArcanistCppcheckLinterTestCase::testVersion
63Unable to locate binary "cppcheck" to run linter ArcanistCppcheckLinter. You may need to install the binary, or adjust your linter configuration.
64TO INSTALL: Install Cppcheck using `apt-get install cppcheck` or similar.
65  PASS   <1ms★ ArcanistCpplintLinterTestCase::testVersion
66  SKIP  ArcanistCpplintLinterTestCase::testLinter
67Unable to locate binary "" to run linter ArcanistCpplintLinter. You may need to install the binary, or adjust your linter configuration.
68TO INSTALL: Install using `wget`, and place it in your path with the appropriate permissions set.
69  SKIP  ArcanistFlake8LinterTestCase::testLinter
70Unable to locate binary "flake8" to run linter ArcanistFlake8Linter. You may need to install the binary, or adjust your linter configuration.
71TO INSTALL: Install flake8 using `pip install flake8`.
72  SKIP  ArcanistFlake8LinterTestCase::testVersion
73Unable to locate binary "flake8" to run linter ArcanistFlake8Linter. You may need to install the binary, or adjust your linter configuration.
74TO INSTALL: Install flake8 using `pip install flake8`.
75  SKIP  ArcanistGoLintLinterTestCase::testLinter
76Unable to locate binary "golint" to run linter ArcanistGoLintLinter. You may need to install the binary, or adjust your linter configuration.
77TO INSTALL: Install Golint using `go get`.
78  PASS   <1ms★ ArcanistGoLintLinterTestCase::testVersion
79  SKIP  ArcanistHLintLinterTestCase::testLinter
80Unable to locate binary "hlint" to run linter ArcanistHLintLinter. You may need to install the binary, or adjust your linter configuration.
81TO INSTALL: Install hlint with `cabal install hlint`.
82  SKIP  ArcanistHLintLinterTestCase::testVersion
83Unable to locate binary "hlint" to run linter ArcanistHLintLinter. You may need to install the binary, or adjust your linter configuration.
84TO INSTALL: Install hlint with `cabal install hlint`.
85  SKIP  ArcanistJSHintLinterTestCase::testLinter
86Unable to locate binary "jshint" to run linter ArcanistJSHintLinter. You may need to install the binary, or adjust your linter configuration.
87TO INSTALL: Install JSHint using `npm install -g jshint`.
88  SKIP  ArcanistJSHintLinterTestCase::testVersion
89Unable to locate binary "jshint" to run linter ArcanistJSHintLinter. You may need to install the binary, or adjust your linter configuration.
90TO INSTALL: Install JSHint using `npm install -g jshint`.
91  SKIP  ArcanistJscsLinterTestCase::testLinter
92Unable to locate binary "jscs" to run linter ArcanistJscsLinter. You may need to install the binary, or adjust your linter configuration.
93TO INSTALL: Install JSCS using `npm install -g jscs`.
94  SKIP  ArcanistJscsLinterTestCase::testVersion
95Unable to locate binary "jscs" to run linter ArcanistJscsLinter. You may need to install the binary, or adjust your linter configuration.
96TO INSTALL: Install JSCS using `npm install -g jscs`.
97  SKIP  ArcanistLesscLinterTestCase::testVersion
98Unable to locate binary "lessc" to run linter ArcanistLesscLinter. You may need to install the binary, or adjust your linter configuration.
99TO INSTALL: Install lessc using `npm install -g less`.
100  SKIP  ArcanistLesscLinterTestCase::testLinter
101Unable to locate binary "lessc" to run linter ArcanistLesscLinter. You may need to install the binary, or adjust your linter configuration.
102TO INSTALL: Install lessc using `npm install -g less`.
103  SKIP  ArcanistPEP8LinterTestCase::testLinter
104Unable to locate binary "pep8" to run linter ArcanistPEP8Linter. You may need to install the binary, or adjust your linter configuration.
105TO INSTALL: Install PEP8 using `pip install pep8`.
106  SKIP  ArcanistPEP8LinterTestCase::testVersion
107Unable to locate binary "pep8" to run linter ArcanistPEP8Linter. You may need to install the binary, or adjust your linter configuration.
108TO INSTALL: Install PEP8 using `pip install pep8`.

Build Working Copy

Completed at Feb 23 2020, 5:31 PM · Built for 8 s

Event Timeline