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Allow safe editing of recurring events
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Currently, recurring events cannot be edited, but really, the only ambiguous and unpleasant edits are date/time/frequency edits. Recurring events should be editable, and only the following fields can be edited:

  • title
  • description
  • invitee list
  • visibility
  • subscribers
  • icon

The following should never be editable on recurring events:

  • all day flag
  • recurring flag
  • recurrence frequency
  • recurrence end (up for debate, but leaning towards no)
  • start and end times

The fields that are not editable should have messaging that communicates the reason they are disabled/missing.

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Event Timeline

lpriestley claimed this task.
lpriestley raised the priority of this task from to Normal.
lpriestley updated the task description. (Show Details)
lpriestley added a project: Calendar.
lpriestley added a subscriber: lpriestley.

Can we just do the destroy/rebuild for them automatically when they change the event?

Oh I guess that wouldn't work either if people linked to events.

Yeah, and the worst case would be if E111/4 is actually E112, an exception, and E111 gets auto-converted to E222. Then E111/4, also known as E112, will no longer be part of the E222 sequence. We could start keeping track of the relationships, but that seems like a lot of work with little pay off and possibly way more confusion.

An alternative philosophy, which has been adopted by Google calendar, is simply warn users that changes to a recurring event will destroy any exceptions. This seems less reasonable in a shared calendar.