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Project search: Exception "Cursor does not identify a valid object." when using non-digit "after" URL parameter
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Actual Result:

Unhandled Exception ("Exception")
Cursor "B" does not identify a valid object.

Expected Result:
List projects that have names starting with B.
This worked in past versions.

Using digits (project phIDs) still works.

Event Timeline

aklapper renamed this task from Project search: Exception "Cursor does not identify a valid object." when using "after" URL parameter to Project search: Exception "Cursor does not identify a valid object." when using non-digit "after" URL parameter.
aklapper raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
aklapper updated the task description. (Show Details)
aklapper added a project: Projects.
aklapper updated the task description. (Show Details)
aklapper added a subscriber: aklapper.
epriestley claimed this task.
epriestley added a subscriber: epriestley.

This behavior is expected. Cursor values are not intended to be human-editable. The fact that this worked in previous versions was a side effect of how the cursor was implemented at the time, and not an intentional feature.