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While Phabricator web request is running, MySQL aborts other independant connections
Closed, InvalidPublic


My setup is Ubuntu, Nginx, php5-fpm, MariaDB.

Ever since I installed Phabricator two weeks ago (I also updated MariaDB),
whenever I open a phabricator page, I can not access other independant sites that previously worked without problems
Nginx returns a 502 Bad Gateway.
Checking the syslog, I see

May 17 10:35:23 <HOST> mysqld: <ID> 10:35:23 [Warning] Aborted connection <ID> to db: '<DB>' user: '<USR>' host: 'localhost' (Unknown error)

Is Phabricator running an unexpectedly large number of SQL queries, or special ones that could influence other MySQL connections?
What settings could I tamper with to try to improve this situation?

Event Timeline

Kissaki raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Kissaki updated the task description. (Show Details)
Kissaki added a subscriber: Kissaki.

Actually, this seems to only be a problem with Joomla sites.
I can open a Wordpress site just fine when the Phabricator request is running.

To be more precise about the timing; the issue temporarily persists for some more seconds after the request ran (<10s).

epriestley claimed this task.
epriestley added a subscriber: epriestley.

We run a large number of SQL queries, including large SQL queries, and hold a large number of connections open simultaneously. On a properly configured database, none of these behaviors should abort other unrelated connections.

We do not run queries which kill other queries, and do not make connections which would share a connection pool with other software.

This ticket doesn't describe a reproducible issue with Phabricator, so it's not something we can help you with. See here, particularly "Unreproducible Problems":

If you can generate a minimal reproduction case where some Phabricator behavior is wrong, we're happy to fix it, but we can't go on a fishing expedition in a complex multi-application environment which we don't have access to.