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Link button makes text jumps to bottom of the textarea in Chrome
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Go to a task → start writing new comment → write long enough comment that you have scrollbar in the text area → then scroll up and select 2-3 words in upper part of the textarea → click on link action in the toolbar → the comment scrolls to bottom making whatever you are doing disappear due to scroll

Sounds like a very specific path to reproduce but some of us are hitting it regularly.

This problem happens in Chrome, not in Firefox.

Wikimedia report:

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qgil raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
qgil updated the task description. (Show Details)
qgil added a project: Remarkup.
qgil added a subscriber: qgil.

What is "click on link action in the toolbar"? Is it that they are clicking Action: Comment and selecting something from the dropdown, or is there another interaction? Does this occur on all Chrome forms, or just Phabricator?

Yes, select a string to convert it in a clickable link, then click the "link" button.

I can't reproduce this any more.

chad claimed this task.

Probably resolved?