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ui.custom_header requires phid, but no way to get it from file
Closed, DuplicatePublic


The ui.custom-header option looks for the PHID of a file, but the files interface provides no way of getting it.

Either the option should take the things in 'FXXX' terms, or the files application should expose the PHID.

Currently, the only way I can see how to get the phid is by checking in the database.

Event Timeline

sshannin raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
sshannin updated the task description. (Show Details)
sshannin added a project: Files.
sshannin added a subscriber: sshannin.

This isn't the correct solution. I'm going to merge this into T4214 since that task is not marked as complete.

You can use from the Conduit API console to convert a file ID into a PHID, but will likely have to go to the database for the caching stuff in T4214 anyway.