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404 when I 'Use Project Icon' on Edit Picture (Projects)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


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I've set my Project Icon to 'green' and 'team'. When I click 'Use Project Icon' I get send to /file/compose/ with a standard 404.

Event Timeline

chad raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
chad updated the task description. (Show Details)
chad added a project: Projects.
chad added subscribers: chad, epriestley, lpriestley.

Is there some place I can look to debug?

Specifically, it looks like the problem is that this icon is called "fa-group" in the sprite, but is "fa-users" everywhere else (and in FontAwesome).

I replied to this via email, but don't see it here.

group is aliased to users in FontAwesome, should be easy to just rename our sprite though?

group is aliased in FontAwesome to users

As a project icon, it's called "fa-users":;498ce937e70d0b69eb931a9132bd5888c2dbf5a3$5-25

It's also only listed as "fa-users" in PHUIIconView.

Renaming the sprite definitely seems simplest to me.