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Support of "file://" protocol in "Repository Remote URI" field
Closed, WontfixPublic


Before, when creating repository having file:///home/svn as Remote URI of repository for locally stored (but not ones, that are created by Phabricator) repositories was perfectly fine. Now I'm getting an error, when I either try to create new SVN repository with file:// protocol or try to edit existing repository:

Phabricator_DiffusionRemoveURIFile.png (440×747 px, 88 KB)

I think there was none validation on this field in past. If that is the case, then please update existing validation rules to allow file:// protocol.

Event Timeline

aik099 raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
aik099 updated the task description. (Show Details)
aik099 added a project: Diffusion.
aik099 added a subscriber: aik099.
epriestley claimed this task.

We removed this in June for security reasons. You can find some discussion in the June changelog:

We don't plan to restore it. It is unreasonably difficult/complex to make secure, and rarely used (by their nature, repositories are almost always network resources).

Luckily the existing repos, that are configured with file:// protocol are still working. I hope you won't be removing that.

But if repository is on same server, then it's less network traffic to scan it using file:// protocol then going back and forth over svn://localhost/ protocol.