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Allow columns in workboards to be hidden or shown directly from column header menu
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swisspol raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
swisspol updated the task description. (Show Details)
swisspol added a subscriber: swisspol.

What are the workboards? Can you please add a screenshot?

You need to use the Edit action in the column menu.

I do use Phabricator, but it's first time, when I hear about columns of any kind. I haven't seen any tabular data in Phabricator either.

Projects in Phabricator have associated workboards where you can visually organize their tasks, see for an example.

Like JIRA Agile addon-on for Atlassian's Jira. I see.

chad triaged this task as Low priority.Sep 2 2014, 5:28 PM
chad added a project: Workboards.
chad removed a subscriber: aik099.