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api call to trigger a repository pull
Closed, ResolvedPublic


T4605 added backoff for repository polling. This is generally good but sometimes people really really like seeing updates right away. If there was an api to tell phabriactor that it's a good time to check on commits, it could be called when the repo was updated (ie in a hook). This would decrease update delay without extra polls. One part I am unsure of is how 'you should check now' polls should interact with the existing backoff polling.

(People could also probably control tradeoffs resource use vs time to update with a cap on max polling time, but this seemed like a more complete long term solution.)

FWIW This is the approach trac takes to know about git updates.

Event Timeline

cburroughs raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
cburroughs updated the task description. (Show Details)
cburroughs added projects: Diffusion, Conduit.
cburroughs added a subscriber: cburroughs.
epriestley claimed this task.

The diffusion.looksoon call does this.