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Existing files not set to CDNable
Closed, ResolvedPublic


T5685 introduced the notion of CDNable files, vs those that required a login to view. With the plan:

We set that flag on all existing files, and on profile pictures and any other kind of public artifact (maybe thumbnails).

However, after updating to T5685 per-existing files have Cacheable: No which is a breaking behavior change. Newly creating macros are correctly defaulting to Cacheable.

Event Timeline

cburroughs raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
cburroughs updated the task description. (Show Details)
cburroughs added a project: Files.
cburroughs added a subscriber: cburroughs.

Oh -- I think the migration set canCDN but we're checking for cancdn at runtime. Let me fix this quickly and maybe we can do a followup migration to clean it up.

Let me know if D10264 fixes the issue for you. If it does, I'll migrate to clean this up.

Hmm so with master + this patch I see 'Cacheable: Yes' , but image urls still 404 if not logged in.

Okay, cool. The actual 404 is a separate issue.

The 404 is fairly messy, I'm just going to swap the bot over to use so it's authenticated.