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Project color "indigo" is definitely not what it claims
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Since when is "indigo" anything but blue?

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chad claimed this task.

What is Phabricator without Easter Eggs.

s/Easter Eggs/lies/ ? this is just plain silly, c'mon...

We have no intention of providing a stock "Indigo", the color itself isn't differentiated enough from violet or blue. ROYGBIV is a sad joke on color picking. If you think we should rename to Pink, that's fine.

So if the colors are "based" on ROYGBIV, where do "grey" and "checkered" fit into that spectrum? There's amusing things like "clowncopterize" and then there is completely childish stuff like saying "look my green shirt is red because i say it is". This is absolutely, without question, the latter.

I'm actually confused at this point.

My assumption is if we rename this ROYGBV/PGC, then that is satisfactory to everyone?

Here's another way to think about this: you aren't really picking a color, you're picking a palette. The "red" palette includes these colors, for instance:

reds.png (50×550 px, 2 KB)

None of these colors are #ff0000, and many of them are not particularly red. They're selected to look good, be distinct from other palettes, and be readable. "Red" is a common, recognizable name that approximately describes the palette.

Here's the indigo palette:

indigo.png (50×300 px, 2 KB)

If we rename the palettes to be as accurate as possible ("Brick", "Goldenrod", "Sunflower", "Emerald") the ordering isn't recognizable and the names are less useful on the balance. If we change the palettes to be as close to the names as possible, they'll be less readable, distinct, and/or attractive.

You also aren't selecting a specific shade or color value, you're selecting a general pallette. We make changes to these palettes (and introduce or remove new colors) as we evolve the UI. Having broadly-named palettes with common color names makes this easier for everyone.

You might think that the other palettes are "close enough" and only indigo is too far away from the color name, but that's subjective. What should I do if someone files the same issue next week claiming that the "Red" should be "Brick", or the "Violet" should be "Lilac"? What if we change this to "Pink" and someone feels strongly that the color is more of an "Indigo" and wants to change it back?

completely childish stuff

Do you think this issue is so serious that it's the best use of your time or our time? Is this really preventing you or anyone else from understanding how the software works or getting work done?

You might think that the other palettes are "close enough" [...] claiming that the "Red" should be "Brick", or the "Violet" should be "Lilac"?

The difference being that "red" and "brick" are actually similar, whereas "indigo" and "pink" are very nearly opposite ends of the spectrum. The former is pedantry and the latter is not.

Do you think this issue is so serious that it's the best use of your time or our time?

I report bugs when I see them. This is so obviously a bug I don't even know why it's being discussed at length.