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Show task priority in task hovercards in remarkup
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Seems an essential bit of information that's been left out.

Event Timeline

swisspol raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
swisspol updated the task description. (Show Details)
swisspol added a subscriber: swisspol.

It was removed some time ago, wondering if it'd be useful to color the tag now that we have that UI or if that's just added clutter.

chad triaged this task as Low priority.Jul 3 2014, 4:15 AM
chad added a project: Maniphest.

I wonder if we could do something like this, similar to the thinking about cards on workboards?

| T1234            High * Open |
| Collect 15 wolf pelts to sew |
| into a cloak                 |
|                              |
|  We need 15 wolf pelts to    |
|  make you a warm winter...   |
|                              |
| Assigned to: epriestley      |
|    Projects: (x Leatherwork) |

It's a little odd right now that the task title isn't part of the card header.