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arc diff --raw-command --create does not work
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$ arc diff --raw-command "git diff 58db3363a6fdc3b8eec4fab320e763e994c57af3..e89ba327da0bd0a2f58e8dce82a55b855ef7dc2b" --create --trace
libphutil loaded from '/opt/libphutil/src'.
arcanist loaded from '/opt/arcanist/src'.
Working Copy: Reading .arcconfig from "/Users/kblock/Documents/work/builds/prevent-gilroy/.arcconfig".
Working Copy: Path "/Users/kblock/Documents/work/builds/prevent-gilroy" is part of git working copy "/Users/kblock/Documents/work/builds/prevent-gilroy".
Working Copy: Project root is at "/Users/kblock/Documents/work/builds/prevent-gilroy".

[0] <conduit> conduit.connect() <bytes = 555>
[1] <http>

<<< [1] <http> 585,695 us
<<< [0] <conduit> 586,001 us

[2] <event> diff.didCollectChanges <listeners = 0>

<<< [2] <event> 69 us

[3] <conduit> differential.getcommitmessage() <bytes = 237>
[4] <http>

<<< [4] <http> 617,592 us
<<< [3] <conduit> 617,828 us

[5] <exec> $ which 'editor'

<<< [5] <exec> 5,908 us

[6] <exec> $ which 'nano'

<<< [6] <exec> 4,863 us

[7] <exec> $ nano '/var/folders/c_/n2s4dc3d6njbw7vv64qgmyfnj_mb4j/T/edit.asfy3asis6go40ww/new-commit'

<<< [7] <exec> 12,490,962 us

[2014-05-16 14:06:21] EXCEPTION: (Exception) This workflow ('ArcanistDiffWorkflow') requires a Repository API, override requiresRepositoryAPI() to return true. at [/opt/arcanist/src/workflow/ArcanistBaseWorkflow.php:766]

#0 ArcanistBaseWorkflow::getRepositoryAPI() called at [/opt/arcanist/src/workflow/ArcanistDiffWorkflow.php:1641]
#1 ArcanistDiffWorkflow::getCommitMessageFromUser() called at [/opt/arcanist/src/workflow/ArcanistDiffWorkflow.php:1484]
#2 ArcanistDiffWorkflow::buildCommitMessage() called at [/opt/arcanist/src/workflow/ArcanistDiffWorkflow.php:456]
#3 ArcanistDiffWorkflow::run() called at [/opt/arcanist/scripts/arcanist.php:322]

Revisions and Commits

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kblock raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
kblock updated the task description. (Show Details)
kblock added a subscriber: kblock.