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Clean up UltraDash++
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chad claimed this task.
chad raised the priority of this task from to Normal.
chad updated the task description. (Show Details)
chad added a project: Dashboards.
chad moved this task to Chad on the Dashboards board.
chad added subscribers: chad, epriestley.

Do you mean "add more pluses and or 2000's to ultradash++"?

I assume we're supposing this is what a logged out Phab homepage could be, so I'll try to make it look nice and less boxy.

Side note, I do have a Phab redesign in my head. I've been wondering where to work on it. Config setting, Feature Branch, or Mega Diff with no recourse. Gating to a config setting seems we could turn on and get feedback on secure while work progresses. It nothing super huge, new app nav, new crumbs, new sidebar.

Yeah -- let me know as you hit technical issues, the rendering stuff mostly doesn't know if it's rendering into a panel or not right now so I probably need to add something for that.

There's also just other nonsense right now, like you can't put a limit on query panels so the commits one is 100 things long.

In cases like Feed, I probably just need to give you a "rendering into a panel" mode and then you can tighten things up. Or maybe we can just put some "this is a panel" CSS on the things and start with that? I'm pretty sure we'll need substantive markup-level changes for a lot of them, but Feed might be more of a CSS deal.

Can we break it into smaller pieces or is it like completely all-or-nothing?

(That is, I generally favor "series of small diffs with no recourse".)

I think its 4-5 diffs, but mostly its a feedback period that is of interest to me. Being able to have it on secure before landing 80% baked.

Ah. Maybe feature branch, then.

(I'm happy to do the merging/deployment legwork and such, and it's probably easier than config settings for a heavy redesign.)

I think its good for me to understand somewhat how feature branches work in git too. @soleio always says inspiration is perishable as a designer, so I might spend a few hours roughing something out.

In the meantime, I'm going to give you:

  1. Some kind of CSS wrapper div somewhere in the stack so you can tell when you're in a panel from CSS.
  2. Probably a class so you can tell which panel mode a thing is rendering in (after T5084) but I'm not sure if this matters too much. I could imagine "headless" panels sometimes wanting different margins or something like that, though. If you hit cases like this (e.g., feed looks good on its own but not inside a tab panel), that's probably the fix.
  3. Some kind of different rendering mode on the server, so the code can tell if it's rendering into a panel or not. This will be for when we need to make markup changes instead of just CSS changes.

going to start on this i think tonight, had to clear the desks today.

chad raised the priority of this task from Normal to High.May 24 2014, 12:12 AM

this is done for the most part, can tackle other peices as the come up