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"Help" menu bubbles not appearing in applications if Diviner is uninstalled
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The "help" bubbles in the menu bar are added by Diviner, but should be added by the (permanently installed) help app instead.

Event Timeline

epriestley raised the priority of this task from to Normal.
epriestley updated the task description. (Show Details)
epriestley added a project: Diviner.
epriestley added subscribers: epriestley, dctrwatson.
  • If Diviner is uninstalled, the "(i)" bubbles in the menu bar should still be visible.
  • Moving the piece of code in ApplicationDiviner which does this to ApplicationHelp (always installed) is probably the easiest fix.
  • This is the thing in question:

2014-03-27_at_12.59_PM.png (44×114 px, 7 KB)