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"arc" should consider commits it created to be amendable
Open, NormalPublic


See IRC at If you arc diff in a working copy with changes but no commits, the workflow picks shouldAmend = false because there are no commits, and does not amend the commit message after the editor prompt.

Instead, the arc-generated commit should be considered amendable.

Generally, this workflow is really confusing. This is a "bad" workflow (not committing, in the IRC case not using a local branch) but it should be accommodated more gracefully.

Event Timeline

epriestley raised the priority of this task from to Normal.
epriestley updated the task description. (Show Details)
epriestley added a project: Arcanist.
epriestley added a subscriber: epriestley.
eadler added a project: Restricted Project.Aug 5 2016, 5:24 PM