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SendGridAdapter does not appear to honor CC addresses
Closed, ResolvedPublic


  • Setup PhabricatorMailImplementationSendGridAdapter
  • Head to /mail/send, craft a test message with a user in the CC: line
  • CC'd User does not receive email message

Note 1: Bug only surfaced after enabling == false (but still reproduces manually when reset to true)
Note 2: Only tested with GMail/Google App recipients (unclear if SendGrid problem or GMail problem)

Digging further, it looks like SendGrid's crazy API doesn't even officially support CC addresses. I'm guessing the workaround implemented here isn't as functional as their support team indicated:

Event Timeline

(low-pri for me since we did not end up switching off one-mail-per-recipient in our install)

Yeah, my guess is that they might have turned off secret CC support. I'll poke at it, thanks for the report.

epriestley lowered the priority of this task from Low to Wishlist.May 3 2014, 3:07 AM

SendGrid has started having a bunch of other odd, rare issues for a few users and it seems like a conflip whether CC works or not (see, but I was originally told it works and it did, in fact, work at the time). I also can no longer test this very effectively because my "free" account was banned for life or something after accruing $0.03 in charges through what I believe was a billing error.

We've generally moved to "resolve" this by recommending MailGun instead of SendGrid, as we've had a completely smooth experience with MailGun but a handful of weird issues like this with SendGrid.

epriestley changed the visibility from "All Users" to "Public (No Login Required)".Aug 20 2014, 8:27 PM

The SendGrid API now claims that this works, and I paid them the $0.39 I owed them to get my account reactivated, so I'm going to see if I can drive this to some sort of conclusion.

SendGrid now documents this as existing / working, and it works correctly locally, so I think this has been fixed on their side. Here is a mail I sent using CC via the SendGridAdapter:

Screen_Shot_2014-08-25_at_7.40.32_AM.png (238×653 px, 25 KB)