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Project "Chad's House" suggests #chad_s_house on this install but that doesn't link
Closed, ResolvedPublic


On this install:

  • Type #c
  • Select "Chad's House" from the autocompleter.
  • Get #chad_s_house as a suggestion.
  • It doesn't actually link properly: Chad's House

The additional hashtag, #chads_house, does: Chad's House

This is probably some kind of issue with ' being normalized improperly or inconsistently somewhere.

Event Timeline

This seems like a legacy data issue that's probably unique to this install. The only way I could reproduce it locally was:

  • Create a project called "Newton's Apple".
  • Go manually delete the project slug in the project_slug table.

To restore it, adding the slug back to "Project Hashtags" put things back in the expected state.