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Arcanist does not accept milestones as project tags
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Arcanist does not accept milestones as project tags

Steps to reproduce

  • Create a differential revision
  • Add a milestone as a project (tag) to this revision (via WebUI)
  • run arc diff to upload a new patchset (a new diff)
  • You get now this error:
Error parsing field "Projects": The objects you have listed include objects which do not exist (Parent-Project, (Milestone)).

Related Objects

Event Timeline

Luke081515.2 renamed this task from Arcanist does not accept milestones to Arcanist does not accept milestones as project tags.Feb 7 2016, 2:58 AM
Luke081515.2 created this task.
Luke081515.2 updated the task description. (Show Details)
chad added a subscriber: chad.

These are still prototypes for now, you should have seen this when you created the Milestone:

pasted_file (123×632 px, 23 KB)

Feel free to add errata to T10010