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How to address a concern by using a new code check in?

Asked by ronaldpringadi on Jul 20 2016, 4:01 PM.


How to address a concern by using a new code check in?

Example timeline:
Developer #1: Check-in code. Revision # 1123
Developer #2: Audit and "Raise Concern" for that check-in.
Developer #1: Push in a fix related to the concern. This could be in Revision # 1124

Q: Is there a commit trigger that can connect these two commits? Perhaps in the commit comment section such as "Auditros: ronald, jimmy", or in this case, something like "Fix: rSVNNAME1123" ?

Currently Developer #2 needs to "Accept Commit" Revision # 1123 and "Accept Commit" Revision # 1124.
Ideally we can connect these two commits and the auditor can just do one "Accept Commit".


Updated 3,169 Days Ago

This workflow is essentially Differential. Audit's primary purpose is catching issues after code review has occurred and landed. If you are auditing every commit and continually raising concerns, you should consider moving towards Differential.

Updated 3,089 Days Ago

yeh,i have the same request.

----update 10.9
I know what you mean, but if we use differential, the work of code commit will be broken, he should wait, maybe ideas will be interrupted too. So we hope this review action is lightweight, and we could follow the 'raise concern' with new check in which is to fix the bug. So any idea about this scenario?

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