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Correct way to conduit connect with json javascript request
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Asked by joseneas on May 28 2016, 1:56 PM.


I'm consuming the Conduit API to retrieve tasks by author. The request parameters is:

var api_params = {
    "api.token": "api-the_token",
    "authorPHIDs": {"ownerPHID":"PHID-USER-the_user_hash"}

I'm get the message: Argument 1 passed to ManiphestTaskQuery::withAuthors() must be of the type array, string given

The json result is:

{"result":null,"error_code":"ERR-CONDUIT-CORE","error_info":"Argument 1 passed to ManiphestTaskQuery::withAuthors() must be of the type array, string given, called in \/core\/lib\/phabricator\/src\/applications\/maniphest\/conduit\/ManiphestQueryConduitAPIMethod.php on line 77 and defined"}

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