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Exclude directory in .arcconfig?

Asked by svendjo on Apr 8 2016, 9:21 PM.


I want to run my Python unit tests in a project. At the root the project contains a .arcconfig, a virtualenv directory 'venv' and some Python packages. (The stuff I care about).

I've added:

"unit.engine" : "PytestTestEngine",

to my .arcconfig - now when I run 'arc unit', in the project directory, it runs all unit tests in Python packages - but it also runs all the Python unit tests in the 'venv'.

I want to stop 'arc unit' from doing the latter. How do I do that?


Updated 2,987 Days Ago

After some research it seems that the answer is: You can't.

The only solution I can find is to write your own unit test runner. It's explained in details over here:

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