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Project Tag link is broken
Closed, InvalidPublic

Asked by linan on Jan 13 2016, 6:27 AM.
Referenced Files
F1060478: $JD]AZLE37]J)52R_QV7BMU.jpg
Jan 13 2016, 6:27 AM


$JD]AZLE37]J)52R_QV7BMU.jpg (108×396 px, 17 KB)

Below each task, there is a Tag button to link to the project. But from the two previous upgrade, this link seems broken. When move the mouse hover it, the link display xxx/tag//, when click it, a 404 error page displays.


Updated 3,305 Days Ago

This happens to me quite intermittently.

I had a Project with a colon in it as the name

NZ COR: Project 1

I get the 404 error message when clicking on this link.
I changed it to
NZ COR - Project 1

And it worked
Then changed it back to
NZ COR: Project 1
and 404, then changed it back to
NZ COR - Project 1

and still 404.

Seems to affect old projects before a release last week.
Newer projects don't seem to cause this 404.

Screen Shot 2016-01-14 at 10.23.13 AM.png (608×1 px, 68 KB)

Screen Shot 2016-01-14 at 10.23.49 AM.png (542×1 px, 86 KB)

Updated 3,305 Days Ago

I solved this isssue by restarting php-fpm process... It seems after upgrade, some old codes are still run in php-fpm process, we should restart it by this command:

/etc/init.d/php-fpm restart

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