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Aug 20 2015, 2:14 PM
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* Basic test engine for running tests using Maven.
final class MavenTestEngine extends ArcanistUnitTestEngine {
private $project_root;
public function run() {
$working_copy = $this->getWorkingCopy();
$this->project_root = $working_copy->getProjectRoot();
// We only want to report results for tests that actually ran, so
// we'll compare the test result files' timestamps to the start time
// of the test run. This will probably break if multiple test runs
// are happening in parallel, but if that's happening then we can't
// count on the results files being intact anyway.
$start_time = time();
$maven_top_dirs = $this->findTopLevelMavenDirectories();
// We'll figure out if any of the modified files we're testing are in
// Maven directories. We won't want to run a bunch of Java tests for
// changes to CSS files or whatever.
$modified_paths = $this->getModifiedPaths();
$maven_failed = false;
foreach ($maven_top_dirs as $dir) {
$dir_with_trailing_slash = $dir . '/';
foreach ($modified_paths as $path) {
if ($dir_with_trailing_slash ===
substr($path, 0, strlen($dir_with_trailing_slash))) {
$future = new ExecFuture('mvn test');
list($status, $stdout, $stderr) = $future->resolve();
if ($status) {
// Maven exits with a nonzero status if there were test failures
// or if there was a compilation error.
$maven_failed = true;
break 2;
$testResults = $this->parseTestResultsSince($start_time);
if ($maven_failed) {
// If there wasn't a test failure, then synthesize one to represent
// the failure of the test run as a whole, since it probably means the
// code failed to compile.
$found_failure = false;
foreach ($testResults as $testResult) {
if ($testResult->getResult() === ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_FAIL ||
$testResult->getResult() === ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_BROKEN) {
$found_failure = true;
if (!$found_failure) {
$testResult = new ArcanistUnitTestResult();
$testResult->setName('mvn test');
$testResults[] = $testResult;
return $testResults;
* Returns an array of the full canonical paths to all the Maven directories
* (directories containing pom.xml files) in the project.
private function findMavenDirectories() {
if (file_exists($this->project_root . "/.git")) {
// The fastest way to find all the pom.xml files is to let git scan
// its index.
$future = new ExecFuture('git ls-files \*/pom.xml');
} else {
// Not a git repo. Do it the old-fashioned way.
$future = new ExecFuture('find . -name pom.xml -print');
// TODO: This will find *all* the pom.xml files in the working copy.
// Need to obey the optional paths argument to "arc unit" to let users
// run just a subset of tests.
list($stdout) = $future->resolvex();
$poms = explode("\n", trim($stdout));
if (!$poms) {
throw new Exception("No pom.xml files found");
$maven_dirs = array_map(function($pom) {
$maven_dir = dirname($pom);
return realpath($this->project_root . '/' . $maven_dir);
}, $poms);
return $maven_dirs;
* Returns an array of the full canonical paths to all the top-level Maven
* directories in the project. A directory is not considered top-level if
* one of its parent directories has a pom.xml.
private function findTopLevelMavenDirectories() {
$maven_dirs = $this->findMavenDirectories();
$previous_top_dir = '-';
$top_dirs = array();
foreach ($maven_dirs as $maven_dir) {
if ($previous_top_dir !==
substr($maven_dir . '/', 0, strlen($previous_top_dir))) {
$previous_top_dir = $maven_dir . '/';
$top_dirs[] = $maven_dir;
return $top_dirs;
* Returns an array of paths to the JUnit test result XML files in the
* project.
private function findTestResultFiles() {
$maven_dirs = $this->findMavenDirectories();
$result_dirs = array();
foreach ($maven_dirs as $maven_dir) {
$fullpath = $maven_dir . '/target/surefire-reports';
if (file_exists($fullpath)) {
$result_dirs[] = $fullpath;
$result_files = array();
foreach ($result_dirs as $result_dir) {
$xmlfiles = glob($result_dir . "/*.xml");
$result_files = array_merge($result_files, $xmlfiles);
return $result_files;
* Returns the full paths to all the files modified in the workspace.
private function getModifiedPaths() {
$paths = $this->getPaths();
return array_map(function($path) {
return realpath($this->project_root . '/' . $path);
}, $paths);
* Parses all the test results that have been written since a particular
* starting time.
private function parseTestResultsSince($start_time) {
$parser = new ArcanistXUnitTestResultParser();
$results = array();
$result_files = $this->findTestResultFiles();
foreach ($result_files as $file) {
$stat = stat($file);
if ($stat && $stat['mtime'] >= $start_time) {
$new_results = $parser->parseTestResults(Filesystem::readFile($file));
if ($new_results) {
$results = array_merge($results, $new_results);
return $results;

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MavenTestEngine.php (5 KB)

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